The Foundation For A Better World

After the creation of man, God left him with one instruction-To dominate. Which means, to take charge of it. This then makes it the responsibility of humans to build a world they so desire, so whatever they desire, they cultivate to make it a reality. It's unfortunate that the heart of man was evil, that from the very beginning, the once beautiful, and peaceful earth was corrupted by mankind and their activities. While each generation clamored for a better world, the world only grew darker with lust, greed, desire for power, the search for wealth and popularity. For the world to be a better place, humans need to be better people. Humans are the world, and whatever we do affects the cosmos we live in.

A better world starts from you and me. The people in power today were once common men and probably learned corruption from the grassroot. Have you ever wondered why children are the future? Not only that they'll inherit the older people's place when they're gone but also that whatever they learn from childhood sticks with them and when they're grown, it won't depart from them. So a better world doesn't begin from the top, it starts from the bottom- those at the grassroot level, if we are good, then gradually we'll build the world we desire to have.

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The bible was careful to say "if the foundation is faulty, what can the righteous do?" . Even the bible is focused on the building process, because it's at that point that values are impacted, it's at that level that the world begins to have a different perspective, and it's at that point that narratives are erased and a different one rebuilt. We are quick to judge those at the top, but forget to see the greater damage that is done at the grassroot level. Politics are just a small fraction of the world population, if we the people can change, then the small fraction of those at the top would be insignificant to ruin the world the people have created.

We don't have to wait for the government to do our little part. But one thing the world need to become a better place is unity. Yes, unity, there is rivalry today because the world lacks unity, we experience war today because the world lacks unity, tribalism, religiosity, envy, are all products of disunity. When the other people say yes, another will say no, and it will end up in conflict. We cheat and steal because we desire to be lord over the other. Politicians use the same people who are among us to achieve their selfish and greedy desires, the fight is usually among ourselves while the politicians or government accomplish their lust.

If the world(people ) would have one voice, then it's definite that the world will experience a better change. This reminds me of the story of the tower in Babel, the people had one voice and one goal, even God couldn't stop them until he brought division among them. So the major problem of the world, is division and if we want to heal the world , we'll need to be united once again

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