RE: When the Darkness Resided in Me

can you tell when my smile spread across my face? hehehe and became so huge that my cheeks hurt? do you know where that happened? hehehehe

of course you know LOL

I was sad but happy reading this. Because I knew that this was past tense. And I knew that you were no longer this. But sad because you WERE this.

But - I think that is what connected us. Because I saw and recognized the same in you that was in me. And doesn't that make us even more connected? and won't it make you even better to reach someone in the future - when you recognize that same hollow in them?

we wouldn't choose this path. but God has chosen this path for us for specific reasons, for His reasons, and for the reasons that will be good for us - in the end. (and probably help others along the way)

and who knows how this post here might even connect with others? and how you can share those same little glowing insects with them. hehehehe (you know the ones LOL)

I'm just happy now that you know where your worth truly lies. in His eyes. and that's all that matters - that you believe Him when He says that you are precious and worthy and unique and gifted and blessed and EXACTLY what He made you to be - so be courageous - and share who you are. don't hide anything. share.

don't share to be accepted.
share because you were made to share your gifts - and do so for the joy in HIM!

I LOVE YOU so happy that you were my last post from DreemPort today heheeh

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