SOURCE Edited with Canva


Today, I was doing some work when my senior (hive-related work) sent me a link (his account was compromised). I will not name a lot of people here to maintain the privacy of users. Of course, since it was from a close friend and it was not some win nft or nitro booster so I clicked it. Yes, I fell for the trick.

CONGO PONGO, I got hacked (scanned a QR Code). Now what to do next if that happened to me. First of all, removing the access of the hacker to my account. Luckily I have a lot of software like one that can trace the IP. It was taught to me by my teacher in university to track from which IP emails are received. I quickly removed the access of the hacker (a worm virus bot) by changing my account password and 2fa. I verified by software that no one else has access to my account.

A screenshot after recovering the account:

unknown (5).png


After saying myself, that my duty was to save others. I got plenty of time and ethics says as I was a part of it so it's my duty to minimize the damage.

I am in 72 discord servers. I am familiar with all the servers so I tagged a representative that is online from each server and leave this:

unknown (4).png

By saying "inform others" with this pic attached. Within a few minutes, not more than 5 (2 to recover). I got a lot of @everyone with this message (or similar) and it was an exact screenshot of my warning:

293083928_558642615765981_217623775816386093_n (1).jpg

I knew now masses are informed about this wave as I also started to get the same dm of different people so I can say it was spreading like coronavirus and many of them were reputable accounts (not mentioning anyone for privacy).

Then I started removing all DMS that are sent by the bot (to me it was more important to inform the masses than my dm because many were sacrificed). I removed all dm one by one and reply with the image:


A lot of people thanked me in dm to those I removed before and added this.

In short, even if I was not involved it would still spread to some many people. I did everything I can after the incident. I hope the community knows what happened and how I reacted. I hope the community forgives and also appreciates how I reacted after it happened.

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