Contents Creative Sunday: Peeled peas with vegetables and chorizo sausage -Recipe-

Today I join the Creative Sunday initiative. I want to share once again with all of you in this great community. This time, on this special occasion, I bring you a recipe that defines love and tradition. Peeled peas, a simple dish, but full of flavor that is sure to delight everyone at lunch this Mother's Day. It is a date that evokes love, gratitude and celebration. It's the perfect time to honor the special women in our lives. And what better way to express our affection than through food. Shelled peas are a comforting and nutritious dish, perfect for sharing on such a special occasion. Its preparation is simple, but the result is an explosion of delicious flavors.

Happy Mother's Day!*

Without further ado, here are the ingredients and the step-by-step:

-400 grams of peeled peas
-13 cups of water
-2 potatoes
-1 carrot
-1 stick of celery
-1 branch of cilantro
-1/2 onion
-1 bay leaf
-Garlic powder to taste
-Salt to taste
-Black pepper to taste
-1 chorizo sausage
-Smoked paprika to taste
-3 tablespoons of oil
-4 cloves of garlic

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝕊𝕖𝕡𝕥 𝕓𝕪 𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕡:

  • To begin the preparation, we select the peas and clean them to remove any impurities. Then, add 2 cups of water and let them soak and hydrate overnight.

  • The next day, drain the peas and transfer them to a pot. Add 6 cups of water and bring them to high heat to soften.

  • Meanwhile, we are going to peel and chop the vegetables into small squares.We start with the carrot, as it needs more time to soften due to its dense texture.

  • Next, peel the potatoes, celery Spain and onion. We also remove the garlic leaves and chop them finely.

  • Wash and remove the skin from the chorizo.

  • Check the peas and, if they are already dry, drain them completely once more. In the same pot, add oil and prepare a sofrito. Add the chorizo and then the vegetables.

  • Allow the sofrito to integrate and absorb the flavors. Then, add the bay leaf and seasonings for flavor: garlic powder, smoked paprika, black pepper and salt.

  • Add the peas and carrots to the sauce, stir and integrate them so that they are impregnated with flavor.

  • After adding the water, cover the pot and let the peas finish cooking until they are completely soft and the mixture thickens.

  • In the meantime, we chop the cilantro finely and wait. After the time has passed, we check the peeled peas and, if necessary, rectify the flavor. Otherwise, we leave them as they are and let them cook until they are completely thickened.

  • Add the cilantro and let the peas thicken and soften.

    • Ready, the peeled peas are ready. Garnish with cilantro, serve and enjoy, bon appetit!
    • A thousand blessings.

All photos are my property and 100% original, taken with my Tecno spark pro cell phone.
Cover photo edited with the application canva

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