Finding Happiness is Not Easy in Today's Time Because

Hi #Hivelearners community.

If it is said, then it will not be wrong that the time that is going on today is the most difficult time in this world because before today, there were never so many things in this world that were difficult and an easy one. There was life, labor was done and bread was eaten, and life was lived with joy and happiness.

Earlier people were not like this at all. Earlier people used to be happy in each other's happiness, when a person progressed, he got a lot of happiness and lived a good life, but now the time has changed, here in this world we have to meet people who have there are wrong things in our hearts and they don't consider us good,

But for worldliness we have to meet them and spend time with them, we get to know their reality within the world, but this thing. It is also true that it is very important to maintain worldly relationships here because parents say that it is important to maintain these relationships even if they are bad for us.


We all live in difficult situations, now a person spends 10 years of his life working hard to buy things, he tries to make his life easier so that happiness can come in his life and he can live a prosperous life. After 10 years of hard work he achieves all these things but his own relatives become jealous of him.

That is why people are now hating the world because the world never wants any human being to progress and within this world the same people are included with whom we meet daily, they are also our relatives and there are some friends who don't like our development, they hang out with us but they have jealousy in their hearts and most of the time such people are wrong.

If we know the true nature of them, then we should cut off our contact with them if we want to live a happy life, otherwise we will be troubled inside in the same way, and such a life will become a lot of trouble. Next life also becomes more difficult so here as many events are happening in our life we see that people progress by working hard or get a good job and when they are in such a position.


When they reach, the world starts envying them. Nowadays, the biggest problem that is happening in happiness is that people do not let us be happy, they say things that make us worry and regret a lot, and how many hours do we spend thinking about this person in our life? and they say such things that no social media has the heart to run anything.

And the mind stops there that we had a very good relationship with this person in our life. Why has this person spoken to us like this. These people are their goal that we neither want to be happy ourselves nor to see anyone else happy in our lives. also goes and we are living a prosperous life, so when a relative comes to our house, he sees,

He gets very sad and worried that my children are not living a good life, so why are they living this? God has given every human being the same mind, every human being can be successful by working hard, so envy should not destroy the success of others at all. Even if you are not successful,


The world tells things and says that the age is passing and success will be achieved and when you are successful, the envious people start to destroy the success, so it is 25 to 27 years. How to live in this world, every day some kind of problem arises in one's life, which one keeps thinking about for hours, and life is going to be a problem,

Sometimes it is a problem of inflation, sometimes it is a problem of personal life, sometimes it is a problem. To be angry with someone, to celebrate him, then life is passing within him and time is passing fast, time has never stopped for anyone and will not stop for anyone, so it is better to find happiness.

It is the right of all of us and in the same way we should always seek it and strive for it. If we want to live a prosperous and good life, we should cut off contact with such people who are not happy with us and hinder our progress. Not happy to see. We have seen many such people in our world. They have a lot of money and become arrogant.


They do not understand the poor person and do not respect him at all. It is very sad and sad to see such people and they are mostly the same people who have had money for a while. I still don't understand how to live life. Even if you fail, the world still bothers you. They do it, they get worried even by looking at them, they go for a walk outside to relax their mind,

Then all these things are seen, which makes the mind sad again, that is why it is said that this world It has to continue like this and a day will come when this world will end and that day is coming now because in this world man is not happy with other man and they have become each other's enemies instead of each other's happiness.

They don't feel it, but they want this person to always remain in misery and never succeed. I have made a role in life now that I am in contact with a few people who are sincere with me and who are happy in my happiness, so now life is passing in some peace and quiet.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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