Appearance & Why It is So Important

Hi #Hivelearners community.

This topic is interesting because all of us must have gone for an interview once or twice in our life and some people had a good experience and some people had a bad experience so I am going to share all my stories with you. How I want to tell you some special things on this topic is the fact that in today's time your personality is respected only because of your good clothes.

It is known that Skills talk is later when a person speaks or tells something about himself. We ourselves went to give an interview to a friend. We went in normal dressing but after that they didn't select any of us three friends because we didn't have nice clothes to wear no pant coat we went in plain dressing and there most of the time.

People who were there were wearing pant coats because that's how they are recognized today. My friends were very teilented. Our first interview experience was very bad and we were very disappointed and thought that we will never go for an interview again in our life because of the education we got or in this way in us.


What is special is that they will know when they talk to us, they will ask some questions and we will answer them, then only after that things will come out, but all the people sitting there are our clothes. Only after watching you decide whether this person is worthy to give an interview here or not.

We have seen this in our own life and there are many people who do not know good things at all and their the skills were not good at all but they had dressed well so they were asked a few questions and after that they were selected so it was very sad to see that because those other people were behind.

He was an acquaintance of ours and we knew that he didn't have much talent but he was rich so he wore nice clothes. It's just like that, it's not just about interviews, we are living the same life in real life today. If we wear good clothes, the whole world respects us. It is not given and this is a very wrong thing. Respect should always be given to a person.


A person wears nice clothes and also wears a little normal clothes, but it is a fact that here today, respect is given only by looking at each other's money. A person who has a bicycle is not respected at all and another person who has a car is respected a lot.

So all these things we have seen in our own life how people have changed their way of living and only give respect to the rich person so that in the coming time he can also fulfill some of their work in the same way. Now this life is passing and here in our country the boys are so poor that they complete their studies by collecting money with difficulty, staying in hostels and when they go for interviews,

They have 25 30 It is not a thousand times that they buy a pant coat and go to an interview. Then after that we friends who were there went for our second life interview and we heard that this company is very good and it values people skills, if someone has any talent, it's about him.


When they give him a job above, we went there, so it was exactly the same as the first company. People were sitting on their recommendation, that's why they were sent for the first interview and they were also selected and this is the fact that when we found out, their job was a few days before today. It was done, it was just a formality going on, when I did the interview,

I was heartbroken to see it because the people who work in the company first give their relatives a job in that company and then In the same way, after the interview, they are selected and those who have the right, who have the skills, who work day and night to get the degree, then they do not get a job, and here the matriculated employee gets a job.

Then after that we decided that we will go for another interview because not all people are the same in the world and we were hoping that now we will find some good people who will interview us and give us It will also be known whether we have been selected because of our skills or not, in the same way,


After that there was another company in which biscuits were made, so we friends decided to give an interview there, so we went there. At seven in the morning we went in our normal clothes because we didn't have good clothes so our experience here must have been good but still we didn't get a job because five people were sitting there and two people liked our skills and clothes.

The other three people had clearly said that such people cannot come in our company who cannot wear good clothes and do not know where to buy good clothes, so two people argued with them a lot. Said that all things change with time.


But they didn't listen to them so we got rejected from the third place too so after that we decided that now we will never go anywhere in life. We will not go for interviews and we will do our business and then we came into the crypto field and now it's been eight years we have been working hard in this field.

After getting rejected from so many places, the confidence was completely gone, then after that it took a long time to work on myself and then after a long time success started coming.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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