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Always Learn From our Mistakes

Hi #Hivelearners community.

This topic is very interesting and all of us must have had this kind of experience in our life and it is also a fact that we have made many mistakes in our life and we will make mistakes in the next life as well. But here are some things that are very important to follow.

If we follow these things, then our future life can be easy and we will not repeat these mistakes again in life. But in this post I will share some of my life and some experiences with everyone. I have been working in this market for about seven or eight years and I have also made many mistakes here. And that's where man becomes successful in life who learns from his mistakes.

Here the biggest mistake in life is that we trust other people and this is a habit of mine too I trust people very quickly and share everything with them but we should understand by now that everything should not be shed from every person, it has many disadvantages which we have to bear later.


I used to have a friend and we had a very good relationship with him and it was going on for a long time but there was a time when my friend needed some money and I gave it to him and he promised to give after one year and that time has passed and he has not returned that money to me and he kept saying that he will give but once a person's credibility is lost,

Then a person I never trust this person for the second time, so now it's been five years and this person has not returned my money. So from this whole incident, I have learned a lesson that after this I will never trust any person in this way and when a person trusts in this way and that person cheats, then the person's the relationship happens with him,

It ends and then he doesn't want to meet this person again, so there is a lot of trouble here, and the person just keeps thinking that I have had too much with this person. I had lived a good life and this person was friendly with me only for his own sake.


An example of trust is just as you can see in this picture that the ice cream has fallen down and it can never go back into its cone like that, so trust is also lost once it is gone from a person. So he can never be the same again, that's why it is said that once the problems are solved in the relationship and the words are spoken in the heart, then they remain in the heart for the rest of the life.

It's been a long time since I've been working on blog chain technology and within the crypto market, and every single day I've learned a new lesson and try to act on it. It happens that we come to double our money overnight in this market and this concept is wrong in a way that has never happened before and will never happen again because of this concept we see that the people who are there are losing themselves a lot and losing all their money,

So it is better that first we have to get all the information about this industry, then only after that we can enter this industry. Now the incident that I am sharing with you is from a few years back when the peer market was running in 2019 and 18. Then I had some coins that I invested in a project. Collected by working hard day and night.


And then I held those coins for a year and a half thinking that they would go up in value and I would sell them but for a year and a half they didn't go up in value and I made the biggest mistake of my life within those days. And what I regret is till today and I had about 50 thousand coins which was called Hunt Token, this project which was Steam Hunt, I used to work on it and these coins were from there.

Hard earned and the way I held for one and a half years but then I needed money so I sold them in the market for 50 paise and then after full eight months I realized. That this is the biggest mistake of my life because after a few days the bad market started and after eight to 10 months its price went to 300 Pakistani rupees.


If he had not sold his coins, so much money would have been lost that I could have lived my life well and peacefully, but man learns only from these mistakes and then the effort in his life is not to make such mistakes. And then after that I put money into a project and I put a lot of effort into it called Axie Infinity and it was very popular at that time so here I put a lot of money.

And we used to get their coin, its value was increasing a lot and here again we were greedy in our heart that its value will increase more, it will increase a lot, that's why it is our the second biggest mistake I made in life was that I worked hard on the game and the coins that were their berths were much better than if I had sold in the market at that time.


It would have been within a good profit, but due to greed, they were not sold and now their worth has become zero, so this was the second mistake I made in life and I learned a big lesson from it. Got that we should take profit whenever there is a good profit in the market.


This time I don't make these mistakes in my life this time also I have investment in crypto market and as soon as I get a good profit here I will definitely get profit this time and not at all greedy this time. Ego every time for the same reason does not get profit and loss due to greed.


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