Story about my experience with an internet fraudster

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I was on my own doing my normal thing, i am a blogger and internet savvy, and i blog on divplanet

I was going through my facebook profile when i received a message. I cross checked the message and it was a link attachment. It says that i can make millions of dollars in one week, that i should click to login.

As an internet savvy, i knew it was a scam, and i also know that nobody can hack my account by just clicking a link. So I clicked. I was brought to a page that looks exactly like the Facebook login page, and was prompted to log in.

At first i was already logged in on Facebook, why will it tell me to login again? I had to check the link of the site i was on and it was completely different from i laughed and said to my self. "Look at these scammers😂😂"

I quickly left the site. Now how does it work.
If to say i filled the login details, it would be submitted to the scammers and they will know your Facebook login details and hack your account.

How to prevent it.
Check for the site link before filling any details, if its not, my friend RUN.

I also got in contact with this Facebook page snatcher. I have a page on facebook with 30.5k followers, so it is an asset to hackers. I received a message on whatsapp. They took the name of a popular advertisement company and they proposed to advertise on my page for thousands of dollars. (You see in life, anything that looks too good to be true is usually a scam. Beware!)

I first taught about it, paying me thousands of dollars for advertisement daily on a 30.5k page. It's definitely too good to be true. But i played along till the link came. They told me to sign up to their Facebook business advertisement profile to be eligible for the offer.
I clicked the link and it was i taught i was safe till i got a notification from Facebook that says " signing in will relinquish all your facebook asset to this advert agencies and they can kick you out anytime.

(Another lesson: always pay huge attention to Facebook notifications)

On seeing that, i RAN. I blocked the number immediately.

That was how i escaped scammers and i also believe you will learn from it. That is why i shared it here.

here is the screen shot of a chat with the facebook page snatcher



here is the Facebook page notification


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