The dawn of the age of AI

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I’ve noticed recently the sudden rapid interest and adoption of Artificial Intelligence(AI). It’s scary how advanced and useful AI has gotten to be honest. AI is capable of performing so many tasks and calculations that normally would take computers and even humans a long time to solve.

Unlike most of my previous posts here, this one is not a challenge or writing prompt, or about anything personal going on with me. It’s about something I’ve seen trending on the internet recently. I’m sure you’ve come across or heard about it somewhere recently.

I’m talking about the ChatGPT saga. The AI that probably will replace many human jobs dealing with digital writings. This AI is so advanced it even writes codes when given commands.

This century already makes life so much easier than our fathers had it. 5 year old kids have access to more information than the genius of the last century! Access to information has never been easier than it is now thanks to the inception of the internet.

And now tools like this AI are about to create again yet another generation with more access to information and at ease than people of the last decade did. It is going to change and redefine the impossible as far as writing is concerned and more.

It’ll shatter our educational system. Tell me why students will take time off playing video games and study when they can have ChatGpt take their SATs and other exam and score perfect grades! ChatGpt writes essays, code, check already written code for points of error, a WHOLE LOT.

I won’t bore you with repeated stories of the many use cases of ChatGPT as finguru has already written an article like that here last week.

It also seems to have reasoning to be able to identify socially unethical commands and tells you it can’t execute such commands. In some occasions, it’ll even give you pep talk on how and why said unethical action or command should be refrained from and try to offer advise. How cool is that?

From what I gather so far about it, the articles it writes are free from plagiarism. So it doesn’t just pose a threat to education, but platforms like Hive that prides itself of quality original content are threatened by risks of undetectable plagiarism as well. This entire entire could be written by an AI and you wouldn’t even reading it because of how intelligent and advanced AI has become.

ChatGPT and other AIs like it are largely going to replace many jobs that humans used to do. Copywriting being one of them. The damn thing even writes code!

What’s the way forward for educational systems then?

Well the only way I see our educational systems beating these new flood of AIs is by avoiding all forms of exam where these AIs can be used completely.

I saw someone say something on TikTok that kind of implied that just like people probably thought using calculators in exam was probably going to make students dumber and lazier, it hasn’t, because tests have evolved from asking questions where students simply press in values and get straight answers from calculators, to ones where students meed to first infer and can then only use their calculators to get the right answers if their inference was right.

If our exams are now structured to feature less essay form questions, I think that will be a significant step in the battle against AI taking over the educational system.

It’s always something new these days. The recent happenings leave me asking questions like: Is the age of AI here? Does our educational system stand a chance against the army of AI students have prepared to use to beat it?