Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, i hope everyone is good today and still exciting to following the contest in Hive Learners Community

Edited from Logo Maker app

This 24th week is indeed very full of excitement, from the first edition to the last edition that I made this time. Many participants have presented or made their contest posts very well since the first edition started and I am sure in this last edition there will be more participants who will show their best contest posts.
In this third edition we will discuss about the foreign language you want to learn, and if you get the opportunity to learn a foreign language, of course you will be happy to choose your favorite language and of course it will be very fun. I will also do the same if I have the chance and because of that, I will explain it in this post. So, read carefully...


Talking about language is endless. Of course, there are many languages ​​in this world which have different connotations, pronunciations, and meanings. Sometimes there are several different countries that use the same or almost the same language, which may be a fractional country or some of their citizens are mass-immigrated people in large numbers so that over time they can change their language into the language of their country of origin. Language is also a communication tool that has been used since ancient human times, but their language is of course different from our language in modern times where the language we use follows the spelling that has been perfected and is better in arrangement.
Nowadays, there are also many foreign language courses that teach us to be able to speak foreign languages, and which English language course is the most widely opened in the world. That's because English is an international language which is the standard language if we visit a foreign country so that we can communicate with all people in any country without having to learn their native language. In addition to English, there is also Spanish which is widely used by countries in South America and some countries in Africa, Spanish is also used by a third of the world's population to communicate and makes it a second language to communicate after English. For Asian countries, they are more familiar with English and Mandarin, and in my opinion, Mandarin is difficult to write and read, and English has almost the same alphabet and reading as some countries in Asia, especially Southeast Asia.
I actually really want to be able to speak French, because I think French is very difficult in terms of vocalization and pronunciation. The syllables of French are also almost the same as English, it's just that in some common words they may be different and that is normal.


I first liked French when I watched the movie Districk B-13 which was released in 2004, where the actors are very fluent in French and I like their accent. I also often hear songs from Indila who are famous recently and the first thing I saw was her accent in singing in English, and this really made me really enjoy it. Many people say that French has a different accent even though it has the same letter shape, and with that accent it also has a different meaning. I've also tried to learn a few words in French, and I find this very difficult to do. If it can be likened, French is almost the same as Arabic in terms of reading and what distinguishes it is the letter R which is read vaguely and this is very typical for French. In Indonesia alone, there are many French language courses and it would be very easy if we learn through courses but the language is so difficult that I discouraged it because I don't know anything about French, only a few words and even then I know it through films and music.
The use of French in the world is extensive, and some countries in Africa also use it such as Gabon and others. It takes practice over and over even for a few sentences so that we can pronounce it correctly and with the right connotation.


French is difficult to understand and requires precision to learn it. Therefore, I really admire people who are able to master it in a short time and for me that is a very good achievement. If I can learn it and can speak French I certainly don't need google translate for French and I can translate all forms of sentences in French.
In my opinion, as a person who doesn't speak French, French is also a bit difficult to listen to just by hearing people speak that language because it might be a very difficult accent to understand. French is also one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn, and I think this is true if we look at the connotations and vocalizations.

That's the language that interests me to learn it, and when I say French is a difficult language, that doesn't mean it's the only language that is difficult to learn there are several other languages ​​that also have the same difficulties when we learn it, such as Mandarin, Arabic, and others. etc. However, we must respect the languages ​​of other countries and each language has its uniqueness and different difficulties and we must respect it.
That's all I can say on the 3rd edition of the contest this week 24, I hope you like it and see you in another post.

Special thanks to :


I'd like to invite my friends to following this contest :


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