Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, I hope everyone get a perfect Day and keep up the spirit to following w4e2 Contest.


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This week's Edition-1 is going well and this time Editions-2 has started. I think this edition will have far more contestants. The contest this time was also no less interesting than the previous contest which this time was very special to me because it was related to love. And in this post I will make a post about Love, about what I will do for Love, how far will I go for Love, and things I will not do about it.
Let's see my discussion about this...



The problem of love is indeed endless to discuss. I'm also not very good at this because I think love problems are problems with a thousand ways to solve them. This love is indeed something that is discussed the most by people and they will find a way with their uniqueness, and this is what makes the problem of love unique and makes many people interested in knowing the ins and outs of this.
Love is also about a relationship between a man and a woman and the bond between them, but not only that, romance is also a thing that connects the bonds of a family, friends, and also the people we care about. And that makes Love a thing that must remain in life.

What can I do for Love ?


I think love is something that connects one individual to another in a bond. Therefore, for me Love is worth fighting for.
There are many kinds of Love, and compassion is also a part of this. When it comes to love, I will fight as best I can for the continuity of this bond, whether with family, friends, or even my lover. I feel there is a responsibility between me and the people I love to maintain this love. I am also a person who will melt when I love someone, which of course for me, the feeling of Love will make me do something I have never done before, but no matter what, I must not let the feeling of Love dominate my body, mind, and soul because of this will harm me.
Even though I can do anything for Love, I also don't want to harm other people and those around me because of this, I also don't want to do anything stupid because of it, and I still control myself over this.

How far i willing to go for Love


Love is the most precious thing to me. Love arises when there is someone or people around me who also love me, and that will make me go further to keep it alive and not escape from time to time. Love is what makes me step up to fight for it, and this is normal. I will try my best to take care of it.
Love for me is worth fighting for, you can't fight for Love without going further, because it will make you lose it. As you go further, you will be able to do many things and allow you to face the various obstacles that come your way.

Things I won't do in terms of love


The first thing I won't do is waste it. If you waste your love for someone or vice versa, you will never find it again. Love is a gift from God, you are only assigned to run it according to your ability and not waste it. Sometimes this love will penetrate your heart more and more, it will enter the deepest part of your heart, therefore, if you betray someone with sincere love for you or vice versa, of course it is a painful thing.
I've felt that way too and it hurts enough to even remember. And hope I won't fall into it if I remember the pain. However, when one love falls, thousands of other feelings of love will grow from unexpected people, and as if this will erase the pain of your failed love.

That's the Love, the thing you should guard, you fight for, and the thing you shouldn't betray.


Those are some of my explanations about Love, and I think this is a difficult thing to explain, but very easy to feel. Hope you guys like it, and stay motivated to following the contest at Hive Learners Community.


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