Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, i hope everyone is still good and stll exciting to following the last edition of the contest of Week 35 in HL

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The 35th edition was very exciting with many contestants taking part in the 35th week of the contest. From the first edition the contestants competed to present their best writing and make their best contest for the 35th week. And this time we are going to enter the last issue of this 35th week and I think the excitement of this 35th week will take place in the following week and as announced, the topic that will be discussed in the last issue of this 35th week is about Safety and also Risk, where these two things are always a choice in our lives, and we ourselves are sometimes a little difficult to choose between these two. Regarding this, I also want to have a little opinion, therefore in this post I will describe a little of my views and experiences in this matter.
So, listen carefully


Risk and safety are two things that cannot be separated and are always present in every decision we make, and we must be wise in choosing one between the two. Risk is the worst possibility that might happen in making a decision and Safety is a safe path contained in every decision but usually Safety is a path where people choose it because they don't want to bear too big a risk. In essence these two things are two opposite things and will determine the final outcome of any decision making. any action has a risk, be it a dangerous job, the choice of something, and even for those of us who walk in the park can not be separated from what is called risk, therefore risk is something that cannot be predicted and even our own health is a big risk for us. our. Usually the insurers take advantage of the risk to guarantee their premiums and with a guarantee which only guarantees that we remain too harmed by the risk that occurs to us, not merely the guarantee to eliminate the risk altogether. Apart from the name Risk, we also have the Safety option which is choosing not to take or bear the Risk, or usually back away from what will be the goal, but I think even in making decisions with big risks, we can still get the Safety option in it if we want, that is by examining the best path to pass or with the lowest risk ratio.


Talking about risk, it is indeed something that is almost impossible not to happen. This means that risk will always exist in every decision, planning, and also in every choice we will take.

In simple terms, risk is the possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects of an activity with respect to something that humans value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property or the environment), often focusing on negative. Many different definitions have been proposed. The simple and standard definition of risk for common understanding is “effect of uncertainty on objectives”.
(Source : Wikipedia)

From the definitions above, risk itself is certainly a negative thing and needs to be avoided. Then, if we take the risk then we will immediately lose and fall...?, The answer is NO. Even after we bear the risk, we can still choose the best option or even avoid it a little so that the risk we bear does not have too much impact on us, this is certainly not easy to do because we know that the risk we bear is a bet and we don't want to. increase the stakes again by trying to find a way out when we face a risk from our decisions. But it does exist, and although we can't avoid it completely, we can still look for the lowest risk in the series of risks that we will accept, or simply try to make the risk feel easy to bear.


I myself can say that I have never been faced with these two difficult choices, it doesn't mean that in the future I will never meet these two things, in fact a difficult choice like this will wait for me in the future and what I'm afraid of, will I be able to think clearly and choose The best risk for me. Even so, I have also been faced with these two choices but this is still an ordinary decision and not a really big decision which will threaten the safety of my family, career, and even my own soul, and for those who have experienced it. and succeed in making the right choices, for me they are tough people.

I was faced with these two choices when I was about to go to college first, this actually made me feel depressed and required me to think further to avoid the risk but I couldn't back down, at least I had to choose a risk that wasn't too heavy for me. I had to be faced with two choices when I first entered college, namely using my savings to pay for the next two semesters or using my savings to buy a laptop because at that time I didn't have a laptop and my work on campus was hampered by this. This choice made me a little confused and as if I was betting for the next two semesters for a laptop, which I will use this laptop to make it easier for me to do the tasks given to finish faster which in the end I will also save for two semesters for speed up my studies.


On the one hand, I have to use the funds I have as much as possible to pay tuition fees per semester so that I can continue my studies and I don't want to stop at the beginning of class just because of the cost, because I also know that in the future there will be a lot of costs that will be used. during the learning process.
But on the one hand, I need a laptop for me to be more free to do my work even when I rest around my campus, I can't always go into the computer room just to do work, or in a library with limited computers and they don't always open it .

After thinking for a long time, if I decide to keep my money to finance my college activities, I will have difficulty during the teaching and learning process and complete the assigned tasks without a laptop. I can't divide my money for these two things, these two things will consume almost all of my savings, and laptops with expensive prices also become a very sudden need at that time. Finally, I chose to buy a laptop as my choice, I tried to save some of my money after buying my first laptop, I saved the extra money, and because the semester change period is still long, I have time to save, at least I can save and bear the costs for the next semester but with a new laptop, I can do things faster and have time for other things. Of course, only being able to pay for one semester ahead of planning for the next three semesters is not too heavy a risk for a laptop that will help me to complete the tasks assigned to me on time.
Things like this are said to be the lowest risk or Safety in a Risk.
I hope you guys are inspired by my story, and see you at the contest next week.

Special thanks to :


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