photo is mine

Home cooked meals is definitely and forever the best because it’s saves one money, insults, eating unhealthy cooked food, cooking at home is isn’t also cheap but it’s way better than patronizing fast food everyday, I love cooking my own meals because I get to cook what I like and how I want it to be cooked. The last few times I bought food from outside was a total waste of money, it wasn’t properly cooked, even now as an intending baker I really can’t get myself to buy the normal regular snacks anymore because honestly all they do is a waste of money, it’s either the vegetable oil is bad or not enough ingredients, some few days backs my aunty and I bought a soup (owho soup) from a restaurant and believe it was a total waste!..the potash in that soup was enough to cook a party food for 500 people, like we could literally perceive it from the soup, we only ate the meat and threw away the soup, because if we had eaten that soup by now I’d still be in the restroom.

If I had a jam-packed work schedule and can also afford buying food outside, believe I did still spend that money on cooking varieties of food during the weekend and stock them in the freezer, and each morning I take out a plate and reheat and put in my lunch pack, even when I get hungry in the afternoon, I’d rather buy fruits or snacks like biscuit and juice packs.

Food items are now so expensive that this fast food people cook curry rice and serve it to you as fried rice, they use almost spoilt tomatoes to cook Jollof rice and stews, which is very dangerous to our health, having to eat food from fast food and local restaurants that use those type of almost tomatoes long termly may at the long run cause a deadly disease called cancer.
So even as a parent that have got very busy schedules, please try and make out time to cook for your children because believe me or not you’re not doing your kids any good.

I remember being in the hospital and my family bought me food almost every time because our house was far from the hospital, and when this food were brought to me, I couldn’t eat them because they were not even sweet, some had so much vegetable in it without any pepper, and even the one that had pepper was extraordinary, I literally threw up after eating that food, an injection had to be ministered for my system to be calm, even when I got home, I fell heal again because I developed a very high typhoid because of the food and water were contaminated.

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I was one person that loved buying food but after experiencing this, I had to think again, I rely on home made cooked food cause it’s being prepared healthy, and not some fast food that while cooking their sweats drops inside the food.

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