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Working on it



It's hard to have a budget for things when you don't have a fixed income, be it wages or salary. For someone whose income is fixed then a budget might actually be easy to come through with.
What also gives me a headache is how you have a budget whereby your salary doesn't add up to anything and the market price changes constantly.

For me, having a budget has been one of the hardest things for me to keep up with because I have never worked a fixed-income job and I'm not from a place whereby you get an extra hand or that push to balance your life. I remembered when I was working as a paster, which your pay depends on what you do, I still don't have a fixed income because sometimes I stay home for two weeks without going to work or sometimes there is not enough work or your body doesn't want to get stressed.

But recently, I have been trying to have a budget for my income even though I'm still struggling with some aspects of it but I'm sure with time and not giving up, I should be able to balance everything.

The first on my budget when my earnings is coming is the 10% for God ( tithe) I do my possible best to not stop paying it and have been doing that for many months now, the first time I wanted to do this was 2017 but I didn't pay it up to 3 months before I stopped but now God is helping me. After I'm done with that, I take some for feeding not just for me alone because I stay with my family.

I try to save up some which have actually been one of the problems have been facing actually because I don't expect myself to have money and be starving of something or someone I know needs help and also try to start something aside that is consuming all my savings.

I don't have a problem with my junks starving because I already work on that. I'm a lover of anything made with flour but not anymore and going out is not my thing. I'm also trying to work on having a budget of how much I spend on subscribing to the internet monthly, I would say that's one of the things that consume my money. The last time I did the calculation, I should own like two houses now(lol)...

My budget is not what I want it to be but maybe if I get a job with fixed income then my budget would be great but before then I will keep working my budget with my unfixed income.

Thanks for your time