My Curiosity and its painful Lesson i learnt (Week 71 Edition 2)

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Growing up as a kid, I was very curious about many things. I'd like to know who created God, why cat eats rat, how a child grows to become an adult, why rockets launches into space, how to fly an aircraft, and many more. This kept on till the day my curiousity led me into a problem that took me a month to recover from.

How my curiosity got me to trouble one day
15 years ago, within the period of my examination at a polytechnic, one of my church senior friends had his wedding on a fateful saturday. Meanwhile, i was to have an examination that very day since i was running a part-time course in computer science at a private polytechnic. So i decided to attend the wedding to see what it looks like. Besides that, i wanted to know that lucky woman who was getting married to my senior since he was more like an elder brother to me. So i never wanted to disappoint him by not attending his wedding. I was also very curious to know how the party would go. I thought of the fact that I might not able to make it to the examination hall that very day due to the distance of my location to my satellite campus, so i decided i will see the rector of the institution the following week to have mercy and enable me write my paper another time.

The wedding went so well, and there were plenty of food takeaways coupled with exotic wines. It was indeed a funfair as the master of the ceremony made the event more lively and a memorable one. As i keep enjoying my moment, little did i know that I'll never be given the opportunity to rewrite the examination i missed. I pleaded with my computer lecturer to allow me to rewrite the paper i missed, but he turned a deaf hear to me. I did i could, but he insisted that I'm carrying over the course till the following year. My mind cut within the glimpse. Upon all i did and level of strength, apology, and plee i exerted, all went to no avail. So, with time, I decided to forgo the exam i missed.

Another experience was when i saw a big frog in water, and i was told it's edible. This was over 2 and half decades ago. I almost got drowned in rock water and was rescued. The ground towards the water entrance was slippery, and i never knew before i wenf there.

What I have experienced so far has taught me real-life lessons. I have never missed an examination after that moment. Thank God i was able to gain admission to another higher institution where i restarted my tertiary studies from the basis on a better course of study. Since that moment, I've never repeat such a dangerous mistake.

"Life is a teacher" and this is why we're all students in it. "The more we live we more learn." As good as being curious might look, one need to be more careful not to allow his curiosity get him into trouble.

Hope you learnt something from my post. I'll be looking forward to yours as well. This is my entry to the weekly featured content of week 71 edition 2. For newbies, kindly join the discord group and follow the procedures to participate in this challenge.

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful moment


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