Poem ✏️ | Weeping Heart


I looked at your your frozen sleeping face.
Saying goodbye as you are in blissful eternal sleep now,
With tears dripping down as you are taken away from me.
Shading tears wouldn't bring you back alive to me.
We don't have the power to do anything,
No words can describe how my heart is broken,
Death is so cruel to destroy my world.

The memories you left behind are like treasure to me,
I wept as I go through our cards.
I looked at the memories of our photos with smiling faces.
Sometimes I wish to go back to all yesterdays,
I miss all our chats and things we did together.
You were gifted in many ways,
You relived me with your gifts many times.
Which shows you truly care and loved me.

Your death was so painful,
Even though is a most painful memory.
Some of your memories has saved my mind from dark grief,
Your was a painful sorrow to me.
Our bond will always remain without departing.
It will always be part of me ensuring you are part of my heart.
Until the day I come join you on an eternal place.

I wonder if your spirit dress on white the day it happened,
As I witnessed in tears when your body was taken away.
I just want you to know, before your spirit left your body,
You had left something special for a weeping heart.

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