Should freedom be given totally or meagerly?


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Free world! Yea, it's a free world. We all came into the world without paying a dime. I don't know if any of us have seen a person that paid to have a free passage to the world through a woman. The earth is of the lord and the fullness therein. In as much as nature was given freely, we are born into it as a dominant without paying a dime. All of us have some certain right that we are entitled to as a citizen. They are freedom we deserve which is obligatory and cannot be challenged because they are constituted, except we commit an offence that can deny us of these fundamental rights or abuse it. All the rights comes with freedom. Examples are

i. Freedom of speech
ii Freedom of movement
iii. Freedom of association
iv. Freedom of worship
v. Right to personal liberty
vi. Right to freedom of expression
vii. Right to private family life and so on

So when we say "too much freedom", on which concept are we classifying it?

Thank God no one has to take permission before opening their mouth to talk. Free mouth free talk. We can open our mouth and close them as we wish. Maybe that's why it doesn't have a padlock and we don't also cover it the way we cover our john Thomas and Alicia Keys (Private parts) with clothe. The constitution of every country gives its citizen and alien the freedom of speech. No one should be denied the freedom of speech or expression. I'm explaining this constitutionally. We are all given the freedom to talk and express ourselves but there's a limit to what we can say

The freedom of speech given to us constitutionally still frown at threatening others through speech. The freedom doesn't encourage us to bridge other laws. When we talk freely and say what we should not say, we've gone against the law guiding the freedom of speech that we are constitutionally given

This is a life example. I was summoned in court last year that I was accused of criminal intimidation. It's a serious matter however I didn't carry a gun nor threaten someone with any form of weapon. You know what? The plaintiff accused me of threatening to deal with her and make sure she didn't live in her house peacefully. This was tagged "criminal intimidation" that if found guilty would land me in prison. But we have the freedom of speech right? So why should that lead me to trouble. Well, in a nut shell, there's limit to what we can say even though the constitution says we all have the freedom of speech. I just believe that the only time we should be comfortable to talk anyhow is when we have the evidence to back it up in case of necessity. Are you still eager to know about the court case? Smiles. It's still in court and I have my full evidence on ground. No worries. I'm 100% innocent

Is freedom only good when given sparingly


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Well, I believe freedom shouldn't be given sparingly but that depends on the situation and condition surrounding it. When freedom is given let it be total says anonymous. Nigeria was given independence in 1960, and it was a total freedom. All affairs were managed by us and us alone. South Africa was said to be given independence in 1931 but the british monarch remains the head of state controlling the affairs of the state. In 1961, they became a republic and given a complete freedom, but there was a problem. They were politically played by the Europeans

Truly, it was made public that south Africans were free, but the Europeans that colonize them who were the white elites dominated politics because the black didn't participate in the 1961 referendum which deprived them of the right under south Africa's racist apartheid regime and the Europeans were also in charge of economics activities

They knew that most black South Africans were not into politics so the freedom given was just meager. It was only a sparing freedom. Just look at the years the south Africans were being played. They only received true independence in 1994 when the legend Nelson Mandela and ANC came into power with the multiparty and multiracial election carried out. Only then were they able to enjoy what is called a true freedom

The experiment

An experiment was carried out by a CEO to check whether giving freedom sparingly is better or not. He made it free for employees to take a paid holiday at any time as they wish giving them as much autonomy as possible. What happened? Some workers took more holiday than the other. They enjoyed the autonomy and the freedom. While many appreciated it, some misused the freedom by going extreme. It was discovered that when freedom is giving out-rightly, most people are always grateful because the freedom is axed in favour of generosity, however, those that will fuck the opportunity up will not seize to exist

Further more, giving freedom sparingly in the case of training a child isn't a bad thing because when children crave for freedom, they want it totally in other to do whatever they like which may not be the best for them.. To a great extent, too much freedom without supervision can make the child go astray. I just believe that too much of everything is generally bad. It's better to moderate things and try to strike balance. If freedom will be given, let it be moderate

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This is ckole the laughing gas
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