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A Call to Service


The armed forces is known as an organization which expects people to put their lives on the line for their country. And that's basically what it's members do on a daily basis.

The most common reason why people join the armed forces is because they feel undoubtedly drawn to serving their country. They feel it's what they're destined for and they probably can't imagine doing otherwise.
A strong sense of duty like this can arise from one's patriotic values or maybe just the desire to do something purposeful.

Well, I can't really say I've been so eager to join the military, I've never actually thought of it as my calling. I would always see on the news, how these soldiers loose their lives during battles, leaving their families utterly devastated and I found it very scary. But this topic got me doing a lot of reflection.

The truth is I've also really admired the military since my childhood. Of course we just can't deny how valiant they appear in their uniforms, all geared up with their arms. And we also did get to watch lots of movies which portrayed how fearless they could be on the battlefield.


But honestly, there is so much more to that. One needs to be really brave and selfless to leave his family behind and put his life at stake for the purpose of defending the country. That's something I find very inspiring.

We definitely can't deny how the armed forces have been of great importance in the country, be it military or paramilitary and they do deserve a lot of respect.

If I had the privilege of joining one of these forces, it would definitely be the army, although the others are also of great relevance but I just feel the army play a big part in defending the country and they also are the most respected.


I also have a relative who has been in the army for so many years. He often shares his experiences with me and I've always admired his ceaseless patriotism and wished to be like him someday.

But in the country these days, you would often find corruption and brutality in the army which is quite saddening. They tend to abuse their power, exploit innocent citizens and show less concern towards fulfilling their duties. That really shouldn't be the case.

If eventually enroll in the army,
I would do all within my power to put an end to the corruption and carry the interests of my nation and fellow citizens at heart, giving in full loyalty and patriotism.


One might think that his life is not worth risking to serve a country with a failed government but we must know that there are still countless sacrifices being made for our safety by these forces despite that. And I also believe that if we can develop a sense of integrity and responsibility towards our nation, we just might see her betterment.

Thanks for reading!❤️