

Detest being in a situation that messes with the serenity of my mind, I rather just get it over with and move on to the next big thing. One sure thing is that life brings challenges here and there thereby testing an individual’s capacity to tolerate.

Most times, this challenge takes the wheel and controls the situation on the ground. Folks believe that time management can be easily carried out without these challenges creating loopholes as distractions.

I rather not promise someone something and entertain the peace of mind it gives me than promise someone something that would trouble my comfortability, and space and cause me inconveniences. At the same time, some people can contribute wholesomely to your inconveniences just because you single-handedly made a promise that failed or delayed. Isn’t that ridiculous?

Now, I can beat my chest and say that “Promise is Debt” and I would flee from it when I am faced with a situation. Sometimes, I feel horrified knowing that I owe someone.


…✍︎✍︎This is my ordeal✍︎✍︎…


On this fateful day, I got extremely fed up with the no-electricity issues in my area which made me seek that elsewhere. I had projects that I needed to finish up and my gadgets are battery-drained. I asked my friend if there had been constant power in their area and she affirmed it, so I picked up my belongings and set out for her home. It took me roughly three hours to get there!

On getting there, I saw a boy who seemed to be living in that compound come out to greet me. I don’t know him but his warm welcome made me disregard any form of unfamiliarity. Immediately, he reached out for my bag to help me carry it upstairs since my friend waved to me from their balcony.

The young man engaged me in a little spaced-out conversation like this…

“Aunty, how’s your journey?”, “Aunty, you are looking sharp”, “Aunty, your hair looks rich and expensive”, “Aunty, did you buy anything for me?”

Meanwhile, I was responding with a few words like, “Fine, thank you and God bless you” because, in my other subconscious mind, I already knew that this conversation was leading to extortion of little change “cash”.

I was low on cash and left with just 100 naira and I can’t give that to him because he treated me nice although I know some part of the treatment was fueled by what he might receive at the end so I asked him if he would want a transfer and he agreed to it. He wrote out his bank details and gave them to me and I agreed that when I get upstairs, I will make the transfer as soon as possible.

I got upstairs, met my friend and her family and the thought of doing that transfer skipped my mind because I was engrossed in exchanging pleasantries, and the next thing we heard was a knock on the door. That boy came up to remind me about the transfer and I was like in a jiffy! I got inside the room and got entangled again in petty activities like plugging my gadgets, changing my clothes, going to the kitchen to make noodles, and also having a discussion with my old school mate who was my friend’s brother.

He came back knocking seriously that I haven’t made the transfer and this pissed me off! I haven’t settled and you are already placing pressure on me because I promised to send you some tips? This is when I knew that “promise is a debt”, immediately I did the transfer and he left for good! I was free from his escapade. Later in the evening, he came knocking again complaining he hadn’t seen it.

At this point, I was angry with him but I checked my bank application and noticed that the money was reversed back to me after few hours. I beckoned on my friend and asked her to give me a five hundred naira note and she gave me one so I passed it to him and that was how he stopped coming. Phew! It was an annoying experience.

Now, I have learned how to not be quick in making promises that would result in something like this.


This is a response to the @hive-learners word of the week episode two - #hl-exclusive & #hl-w82e2


Image From Pixabay



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