Perspective World


We imagine a better world in our subconscious mind and yet the manifestation is so far away from it, we hope and hope and believe strongly, and still, it looks almost like revolution is far from us. Have you ever sat back and researched what needs to be done to eliminate this dormant era?

Yes! We have almost lost our democratic system of government and the rise of chaos, lawlessness, confusion, and disorder has begun. This would birth Anarchy in no bit if caution and discipline aren’t utilized. Laws are no longer carried to effect, the safety of citizens is violated and the morality of the people has been corrupted and this is where I would be elaborating more on.

In case one doesn’t fully understand the Anarchy system of Government and the Democratic system of Government, this is my one cent for better understanding. Anarchy simply means “without rulers” but in this case we have rulers but we don’t. The rules of Anarchy say “no government” and “no justice” but obviously there is government and it doesn’t look like we have a government and the same thing applies to “no justice”.

The Democratic system of Government is the previous system of ruling and governing the country of Nigeria. This system states that Democracy is for the people, by the people, of the people. This simply means that it is the power of the people in a way of governing that depends on the willpower of the general public. This system of government provides a safe environment that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms and in which the freely expressed will of people is exercised. If you have contrary opinions regarding this please share with me.

Back to the main point: the “Morality of the People”.

What do you understand by the term “Morality of the People"?

My research made me understand that “Morality refers to the set of standards that enable people to live cooperatively in groups. It's what societies determine to be “right” and “acceptable.” Sometimes, acting in a moral manner means individuals must sacrifice their short-term interests to benefit society”. Read here

Morality is the differentiation of intentions, thoughts, decisions, and actions between those that are distinguished as proper (right) and those that are improper (wrong) but today the definition of morality is twisted and manipulated. What we know as right is now known as wrong and even seen as a weird thing to do. Individuals are beginning to normalize this every day and people who do the right thing crawl into a hiding spot and people who do bad things dominate, terrorize, and bully.

This is what I meant by the morality of the people has been corrupted and influenced by negative circumstances. A perfect example is the case of Mohbad. A Nigerian Celebrity who died mysteriously, we know that the circumstances surrounding his death were weird but we aren’t driving to that point.


The point I am trying to point out is the behavior of the people, their actions, and so forth. Actions like hiding the truths, the attacks, bullying, harassment, and setups. All these were happening and no one said Jack! Only a few and their voices weren’t listened to until he died. What is the essence of showing those messages, video clips, and voice notes when he is already dead? Why not do it when he was still very much alive?

The fact is that he is dead and it would take a rare occasion for him to have risen. What surprises me is that folks use this medium to chase clout and make themselves famous in the process of seeking justice. How about hypocritical persons?

Holding up to high moral, ethical, and social standards is very difficult, because if one falls short of being the perfect example, one becomes a target and a hypocrite, albeit a well-meaning one.
_ Mark Masters et al, New Dimensions, June 1990.

Now the government has said that they aren’t affiliated with the sudden demise of that young man and they promised to put efforts into seeking justice. With every day that passes, I am gradually forgetting that promising star and the case of “justice for Mohbad” delay is making everyone lose interest in the outcome of this. Because everyone knows how all this would end up…probably no justice at the end.




Finally, you asked!

Firstly, we need to advocate for change. I believe there is power in unity and oneness. In this time of crisis, unity, one voice, and oneness among the people have proved to be the driving force behind the resilience and ability to create a better world. This would bring about a revolution. Entertaining different voices would bring disorderliness and chaos.

Secondly, we need to sacrifice and volunteer ourselves for this cause. Give up some certain attitudes, daily activities, and self-interest and dedicate time and efforts to this change we are passionate about.

Thirdly, Diversify and Strategize. Without planning and mapping out tasks this change can’t take place. To make this happen, setting up community gatherings to discuss important matters is required. One can’t wake up one morning and comply with everyone to do this. However, if situations don’t arise, needs like this can’t be tackled.

Making the world a better place is a collective effort that involves people from different backgrounds, ethnic, and cultures who have similar interests.


This is a response to the @hive-learners word of the week episode two - #hl-exclusive & #hl-w82e3


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