Two of my scariest moment in Life

I have had my scariest moments and they were during one of those times that it seemed the world was about to perish


The first thing I think about is that it is too early for the world to perish, I am yet to enjoy life and in fact, if the world wants to perish, it should not be during my generation eh.

The first one happened in the year 2002, it was a bomb blast.

My family and I were living in Mushin that year, it started in the evening as boys were playing football on the street and we suddenly started to hear a strange sound from the tank of water, at first we all thought probably someone was hitting the tank but the noise didn't stop and before we know it, there were noises everywhere.

The next thing that happened was that the houses started shaking, damn those inside ran out of the house and the street was flooded with people, it was at this time my mum said she want to go and pray inside, I was so scared I was going to lose her that I keep begging her not to go but she was adamant and she went in, I was scared the house was going to fall so I went inside with her praying with one mind she would be fast with the prayer and we can both go out together to meet others, I was not ready to let her die alone even though I was not prepared to die too still my love for momma made me risk it.

We later heard that a bomb blast happened in one of the military cantonments where many explosives were kept in Ikeja

This accident claimed a lot of lives because people who were close to the area were trying to save their lives and they kept jumping into a cana[ a large and wide hole with water] not knowing it was deep and many of them died.


Another one that happened was during the coronavirus period in the year 2019, This was a global pandemic and so sad to see many lives were lost.

During the time, they said Nigerians should stay indoors so they wouldn't contact it didn't make the fear disappear because I know the moment one person contacts this disease, everyone is not safe and that is because we all have families.


You can protect yourself by adhering to the safety precautions but what about your family and neighbors? especially the kids that go from one place to another, once a child contracts this disease, it is certain his or her mother would contact it too then the siblings and then neighbors, and before we know it, the wild spread of it.

My prayer then was that no one should contract this covid-19 in my area or else we all wouldn't be able to escape fortunately the disease didn't reach Nigeria even though the governments recorded many cases of it to embezzle the country's funds as usual.

We survived that too!.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
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