Trust no one but yourself

Happy weekend fam

If you want to live long, trust no one with your secrets or weaknesses because not everyone who smiles with you wishes you well, some people come into your life to ruin you but they know that they need to earn your trust before they can have access to what they can use to destroy you.


At first they act so nice that you will think they are the angels sent to make things right and if you are not cautious, you will never know they are your biggest hater till they destroy you, only a few people get to survive this.

In most cases of betrayal, it is people very close to the victims that betray them, it is those they trusted not to hurt them that end up ruining them.

How do we survive this world with these wicked people around? how do we identify who meant well for us and who wished us bad?

Unfortunately there is no formula for this and it is often late before we figure out who is who most times but we also tend to ignore some signs that show some people are bad because no matter how someone pretends, part of them will still show their real character.


There are some sets of people to avoid

  • Ungrateful people Some people are mean, you might help them for 99 days but the last day you did something they didn't like is what they would hold to heart and they won't care about all the other days you have been helping them, they will keep grumbling, nagging and exposing you to the world because of that one mistake or something you refused to do for them if you have this kind of person in your life, learn to avoid them because someone who truly cares about you will forgive your mistakes over and over again and will be grateful for the times you have been helping them.
  • The loud mouth: These kind of people will help you but almost everyone in the street will hear that they help you as they will keep boasting about how they helped you to do this and that so people can praise them, this kind of person is dangerous too because they would never want you to progress in life so you can keep coming to them for help and they can use that opportunity to shine, if you have such person in your life, it is time to avoid them, your destiny helper will locate you, never feel that without one person you won't survive.

  • Entitled people: The entitled set of people are those who thinks whatever you are doing for them is something you are obligated to do, they would never appreciate things you do for them because they think they deserve it and if you refuse to help them when they need it, they will start keeping malice with you, you owe no one help except your parent and siblings, so if there is any one out there that is feeling so entitled to what you own, It is time you call their bluff and let them know you owe them nothing and only helping because you feel like, and don't be too close to such people, because the more they know about you, the more challenge you will face from them.

In the end, help people around you but do not inconvenient or push yourself so hard in doing that because if anything goes wrong while helping, you will be left alone to bear the consequences and having many friends is not an achievement, limit the friends you keep so you can live long on planet earth.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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