Things we do to protect our loved ones

Family is everything, they are our greatest support when things goes wrong with us. There is this confidence we have when we are around our family knowing that they will risk their life to protect us at all cost.

I would never forget the beating I suffered years ago because I was trying to defend my sister.


So what happened is that, I have an elder sister with hot temper and she get angry at every little things, I was living with the eldest of my sister back then and the one with the temper came for a visit, the house happened to be the territory of street boys who smokes and drinks anything as long as it would get them high.

On that fateful day, I did not really know what transpired between one of them and my sister but we just heard noise and decided to come down to check what was going on and the scene I saw was one of them and my sister shouting at each other, and I felt that is so rude of him judging with the fact that my sister is much more older than him so i intervene and wanted to settle the fight but he was not ready to compromise nor is my sister ready to stop.

While stil trying to settle it, it get heated and guys ain't good with words, me and the guys threw some punches but that only infuriated his colleagues and before I know it, like six guys have surounded me, throwing punches and some of them went to carry sticks, sticks and punches were just flying and landing on me, I was beating for like 3 minutes before they all ran away, I was taken to a nurse who gave me 3 injection but I didn't even feel she gave me anything because all my body was hard and hot and i was so damn angry.

The guy that started the fight was a person I know very well and he lives in the same street. he comes to the front of my house to chill because we have a woman who sells the gin and other stuff they consume.


My mind was set on getting revenge on him so I waited for days for him to come over to drink and luckily he appeared 4 days later, Immediately i sighted him, I went to the house staircase to loosen the metal we use in carrying weight as that was what I planned to use in damaging his skull.

Unfortunately for me, one of our neighbour saw me and went to announce that I am loosening something and he is sure it is the guy i want to use it on, the woman selling stuffs who happened to know me told him to run away and he did which pained me.

He came with some people to apologize to me the next day and I am someone that easily let go as long as you admit you are wrong so I forgave him and forget about my revenge but the beating I received that day can never be forgotten because I was treated like an armed robber.

I knew it was dangerous confronting him that day especially when his colleagues were around they were all high but that is part of what we do to protect our family, if i did not step forward like that, he could have harrassed my sister. I got beaten but after that day and the stunt I pulled he knows better not to talk anyhow to my sister and the rest also maintained their boundaries after that day knowing that I am not someone that can be intimidated and I even earned their respect as they know none of them can try that shit with me alone, they are like wolves that hunt in packs but weak when alone.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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