The effect of computer and how i cope with it

We are now in the Era of Modern technologies, so many things have become easier ranging from communications to transportations and so many more, it is unlike the old days when people trek miles and spent months on the road to visit their loved ones, only the rich use horse and donkey as their mode of transport....


Computer is one of those things that make life easier and better, we can now communicate with people from all over the world right in the corner of our room and all it takes is just one second to deliver our message, what could be nicer that this?

There is nothing with advantage that won't have disadvantages but i would say the advantages of computer is more than the cons....

  • You can fall in love, create special bond with someone you have never seen before just by messaging them on your computer

  • You can work from the comfort of your home , earn money to sustain your family without having to step out of your door..

  • You can get any informations you need online and also learn new things with your computer...


I won't be able to list all the pros because they are just too many, the problem is we fell in love with our computers to the extent that we become addicted and can't do without it and that is kind of affecting us...

There was this guy who said he was losing his eyesight and that is because of his laptop screen light, his eyes is always bringing out water whenever he stares at the screen of the computer and it got worst that he had to visit an optician, i don't really know what caused his eyes ailment because not many people have complained about that and i have not had a reason to complain of such since i have been using my computers.... So he is definitely doing something wrong and here are some things i try to avoid when using my computer....


  • Dimming the screen light: This is very important, brightening your screen and staring at it for too long can damage your eyes and make you lose your vision, this has helped me a great deal...

  • Do not work on your laptop in a dark room: Your may have keyboard light and be able to see what you are doing on your computer in a dark room but your eyes is going... I used to do this in the past but after seeing the effect it was having on my vision, i stopped it..

  • Take a break : As much as we don't like to leave our computers alone at all because almost all what we need to do can be done through it now, we can work and earn, we can have fun, we can have sex chat, we can order food, we can listen to music, we can attend online classes, play games, just name it! it makes the computer take all the time but still we need a break, take a break and stroll out to receive fresh air and exercise your body...

  • Sleep well: To be honest i hardly stroll out but i do sleep well even though i do not have a fixed time, sometimes i work throughout the night and sleep in the day and some other time it is vice versa, but nature can't be cheated, i sleep well enough so my eyes, brain and body can function properly, if there is any strain in my eyes due to staring at my mobile or pc for too long, once i sleep by the time i wake up, it is all good..

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
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