Stay loyal to your family


If things go wrong today, if suddenly you lost everything you have, where is the first place you will think of going? who are the people you will run to?

Normally most people remember their family the moment things ain't going well for them, I am also not excluded in this category of people because there is no place like home...

The family is a symbol of hope when everything is not going well with us because we are so confident if everyone turns us down, our family will never do the same to us..


If things become so good for you, who will you remember to take care of first? is it the same people you think of when you are in trouble or suddenly you have a new list of people?

Think twice if your list changes because those who stand with you during your difficult times are the ones that suppose to enjoy the good times with you...

Our parents are our small god, no matter how we treat them, they will always be ready to help us in times of trouble, simply because they have unconditional love for us does not mean we should not take good care of them when things are going well for us...

As a guy, you bought an iPhone for your girlfriend but your parents are struggling to feed themselves... you are not doing well!..

No matter what, always put those people first because without them, you won't be in the position you are today, they protected and love you when you could not help yourself as a child....

Stay loyal and helpful to your family!

They deserve our love and kindness the most..

Elevating them is like building a solid foundation for yourself because they will always be available to lift you up whenever you are about to fall.....

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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