One thing i won't do nor let anyone do to my child


It is only parent that can understand the unconditional love they felt for their children, even though we know but we have never felt it and we don't know why they go to extreme length to protect their kid when they see them treading the wrong path....

When we get injured, they feel the pain more than us because physical pain is nothing compared to the emotional and heart break they get when their child is hurt but again we will never understand that pain till we become a parent too....

Parent are small god on earth, in whom we can rely on, if the whole world deny, abandon, neglect, hate, despise us, these two will always support and give us hope that we are not alone no matter what, even if we are wrong, our parent will never let us be judged or sentenced, they are willing to sacrifice themselves for our happiness.. They are our true love and no love can beat the one our parent have for us....


My daddy was a gentle and friendly father to his kids so i have nothing to say about him than how good he is but you see my mum, she is fire for fire, i can't even count how many times i have received wire, cane and belt from her, so so uncountable but she has a reason for doing what she did.... She was actually grooming me to become a better person in life, even at those age, i never loved her less but i feared her cane....

I have written stories of how i love to play games and soccer and hardly stay indoor during my young age but i didn't include there was someone who was always searching for me with cane in her hand, someone who always burst me like a police officer when ever i am having my win streak in the game center that it even got to an extent that when i have a serious competition or bet going on, i have to tell a friend to stand as guard outside to help me monitor when my mum is coming...


There is one thing she used to do back then, if i offend her or go out when she doesn't want, she doesn't run or stress herself to catch me since we are going to sleep under the same roof, she will wait till late in the night when i enter my room and already feel relaxed, that is when she will come in with her cane and ask my brothers to excuse us, ah why why i thought i have been forgiven😥, this is when the serious flogging will start and she will do this till she is satisfied.

Well i am very stubborn and that doesn't stop me from committing the same offence the next day, it is fair that she also flog me, i can't do without football and games while she can't do without her cane lol...

The only issue is sometimes she doesn't come in the night, she comes early in the morning at dawn and use the cane to wake me up, dang! this is the part i hate the most and i would never do this to my kid or allow my wife to do this to my kid...

The reason why i hate this is because i won't have rest of mind, she could have just flog me in the night and let us be done with it, but having to think about her coming would give me sleepless night, imagine that anxiety, nervousness and pain of waiting i have to go through to be flogged and when i finally mistakenly sleep off, i ended up receiving lashes that causes an excruciating pain to my soul and body and brings me back to reality away from my sweet dreams...

It is okay to flog a child but do not let her/him wait for it, do it and let it be forgotten instead of giving him or her high blood pressure, so this is one thing i don't like and not going to happen to my kid....

I love my mum and that is her own way to discipline her children, just that my own way won't be like that.... Moreover a child that will become bad will still become bad regardless of being caned... I believed every child choose their path not because of the discipline but because of who they really are....

The freedom i so much cherished, when i left home and finally have it, i didn't make use of it to go around to play games or football, i didn't even like going out anymore, i got a job and became serious with my life.... Whenever i remember it, it kinda put a smile on my face, this is the freedom i always desire but when i eventually have it, i really didn't want the freedom anymore... Story Of Burl Life😁

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
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God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
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