My choice between online vs physical shopping

The world in which we are living now is different from the 90's. Many things has been invented that makes life more easier now which is a blessing....


I remember the first time i heard about online shopping, i was surprised.... A friend of mine was complaining about how his brother was busy spending money to order things online and he was buying different stuffs like chains, clothes and other accessories but refused to take care of their father who was sick and needs money for treatment, to be honest i was more curious about how he was purchasing things online and i asked him which he explained briefly...

I was not really eager to purchase stuff online after that discussion with him though, i was already used to my offline purchase, i can still negotiate offline when buying stuff and and i have also make some sellers my good customer and that comes with good bargain for me...

I have my clothes dealer, shoe dealer and i can say their price is more cheaper than online price but is this the only reason why i love to purchase things offline? I think the more reason is because i use the opportunity of wanting to buy something to stroll out and socialise with the sellers once in a while, if i happen to fall in love with online shopping, then i will also miss that chance and will be stuck indoor forever!


The first time i purchase something online



I was scrolling through my facebook page when i saw this gym equipment that can help with indoor exercise and i like it, so while checking the comment on the post, i saw others also asking how they can get it and the author shared a link they need to follow to order for it and in which it will be delivered to their doorstep....


I decided to give online shopping a first time trial so i ordered for it and i was told it would be delivered the next day, i got a call from a strange number around in the morning asking if i ordered stuff online and he wanted to confirm my address which i confirmed and within 2 hours, he was already in my area!...

He placed a call again to tell me he was in front of my house and i went out to meet him with the money for the package, it was a pay after good delivered service, it is not as if i will pay without seeing what i ordered for anyway lol

I actually love how fast it was and the fact that it was also not stressful, just click the button and wait for what you order with your payment at hand... That was the first and last time i ordered something by myself though...

The only thing i will purchase online is something that it is hard to get around me, and a good example is the gym kits and equipment, i also saw a 3d light bulb which changes how your room looks, plan to get that soon too....

To cut the story short...

It can be deduced i do more offline shopping than online shopping, i prefer offline shopping more as at now based on the reason listed above but that can change later...

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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