It is okay to be different


It is ok to be different, it makes you special......

Sometimes people think i am very religious and that is why i do not engage in some certain things like smoking, womanizing and gambling but they are wrong, it is not because of religion but simply because of the bad effect of engaging in them...

Many years ago , i went out with my school friends and there was a lot of alcoholic drinks being passed around but i chose none and requested for a yoghurt instead and they were like, jjc you are not a man and one thing about me, i do not care much about how people see me, if you think am jjc, it is fine with me, if you think i am razz, that is your own opinion so even with all their talks, i didn't let it get to me, i can't let them influence me in a bad way.... i didn't take the alcoholic stuff and that is not because i can't take it, it is because i don't want to take it!

Some of my friends back then used to smoke, i was curious as to why they are so addicted to smoking and my curiousity get the best of me that i decided to try it, as i take in the smoke, i started coughing seriously and instantly i know smoke is really unhealthy for the body and that day itself i vowed never to smoke again and yea that was the first time and the last time i did it.... I can't even stay close to those smoking because the odour affect me so yea you can say am allergic to it....

There is a saying that a man must like one of these three things, Drinking, Smoking or Womanizing, Oh well i fall in the third category, i love ladies but i don't womanize and that is because i was able to keep myself in check....

I have had friends that curiousity also get the best of them, they wonder if i like girls because i never ask them out, i can playfully joke with a girl to be mine, but once i see any kind of seriousness, i take a step back because i am not ready to start what i can't finish....

My self control is 95percent, i have had my chances but i never take them because i do not want to tread that path, once you take such step in life, it is always hard to retrace..

One woman is headache, two women is problem and three women is trouble, so the more women surrounding you the more you are sinking into a deep pit and this has been the fall of many men involving themselves with ladies.....

Womanizing is now very common nowadays and even girls do not get so mad at their boyfriends nor do wife take it that serious anymore as long as they are getting their dues, what a fuck up world..

It is one thing i can't do, not because i don't like it, it is because i love my well being more. i love my financial freedom more and won't engage in what will take that from me.....

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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