Do not become that thing you hate

Good morning famz!

It is another beautiful day and one more step closer to whatever goals we are pursuing, we definitely can't stop as every day is one more chance to destroy the calendar....


There are so many things i hate which also makes me not to like some people who possess such characters, it just annoy me....

The first on my list of things i dislike so much is



For some reason, i dislike those who bully others with passion, it infuriate me more that bullies do not pick on their size or people upto par with them, they prefer intimidating the weaklings, they flex their muscle on those who are weaker than them and this is why most of the fight i have ever fought in life was not really for myself but for my friends....

I am a very gentle guy and i don't like trouble, so i try my possible best to avoid things that will cause trouble for me or involve in one thing or another that might likely put me in a bad energy with someone else and it has been working fine for me, i also don't like poke nosing into other's fight even if it is someone close to me, i will only try to settle it but if i sense any act of bully from the other person , then i will make the fight mine, don't dare bully the people i love....


Have i ever been bullied

Yes! and up till date i still remember it vividly...

I was in senior secondary school then, ss 1 to be precise and i would admit i was among the playful ones and i play alot that i would start sweating all over ...i am a typical example of a student that Leaves home very neat but returns home very dirty lol..

On that fateful day i was bullied, it was by a class mate but he was in a different department, i was a science student while he was an art student, it was break time and i was playing with my friends as usual then while running around, i mistakenly step on his foot and stained his white socks, he didn't give me a chance to apologize before he landed a very hot slap on my cheek....

Dang that slap touched me well, that i didn't even know when tears rolled from my eyes, i looked at him but could not do anything, he was much more taller than me, i can't do anything stupid than to just look at him except i want to receive more beatings😒.. he was one of those student that likes to look neat always but i bet he won't have slap if the person that marched him was someone as tall or more stronger than him, so literally i just got bullied by my classmate!...

One of my class mate was there when it happened and she was so angry, she was asking and shouting at the guy why he would slap his classmate like that, is it because he is taller or something, she was really so angry, the guy didn't apologize, he just walk away!

I remember that slap every time i see the guy in school and it only makes me hate him more till i graduated from the school...


I saw him again like 4 years after we graduated from secondary school...

He still looks the same as he was back then but i have become taller and even added more weight than him because he was actually a tall skinny guy....

That was the best time to take my revenge from that hot slap he gave me but then instead i forgave him instead and the reason is because it is already 6 to 7 years it happened, he might not even likely remember again, ofcourse it is the person that was hurt that would remember not the person who hurt others...

So that was it! i was bullied, i carried the hurt for many years and when i had the chance to revenge, i could not because i can't be that thing i hate....

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All pictures are gotten from splinterlands lore and ingame

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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