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Dieting and Exercise is very important to stay fit

When it comes to staying fit, Exercise and dieting are the two important things one needs to do. You won't get a positive result or the result you desire if you slack off in any of the two.


It is easier said than done, anyone can come up with advice and routine to follow for losing weight, I mean higher percentage knows what they need to do to lose weight but most ain't ready to take the step.

Recently I tried shedding some weight, especially to get rid of my pot belly, I started doing homework, and also reduced the food I consumed and I was already seeing results after 4 days but the next day, I decided to eat heavy food and that was how I abandon the workout and started eating again and this time around, I found myself getting hungrier than before, I guess the training left some space in my body that I need to fill up and before I know it, I was back to square 1.

So many people are in this situation, they really want to lose weight but they lack consistency and dedication, starting something is easy but completing it is the hardest and this is why many give up along the way, with excuses like. I can't kill myself


The kind of food we eat does not help matters too, The calories in rice and bread are very high and could cause a fat belly but those two are life-saving and that is what most people in Nigeria consume.

My country does not have much food, so we depend on cheap food. The cost of cooking rice is less than preparing vegetable soup and pounded yam, so this makes most families make rice their number 1 food, in my place we eat rice every day and it is only once in a while that we don't.

The same thing as bread, this bread has a lot of combos, you can eat it with butter, fish, Pepsi, groundnut, jam, beans, egg, yogurt, stew, and so on, the list is long. It is another food we depend on in my country and we consume it a lot.

If you are really serious about losing weight, you have to stop eating food with high calories like the two examples I gave above, eat more fruits and perform rigorous exercise...

There are different kinds of exercises you can do without going to the gym, plank, push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, and running. Walking is also a form of exercise, the main thing is you have to be consistent which is what many people lack, they take it seriously in the first week and start losing interest in it and that marks the end of their goal

If you want to stay fit, make dieting and exercise a habit!

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
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