Babies are priceless gift

Good day to all my hive learners family...


Last week was hot but i was only able to participate in only one of the prompt and the reason is because i realized i have made so many friends in the hive learners community, i just do not want to tag them, i want to write something about every one of the amazing people i have encountered in the hive learners community...

It was fun thinking about everything running on my mind but the big issue arise when i want to make it as a content, first of all i realized it would take me forever to finish the post, not even sure 5000 words can contain all what i have to write, that is the beauty of having wonderful people around you.... To love and be loved... I am happy to meet everyone of you guys and you guys made my hive journey a happy one, it feels nice to be able to be yourself, talk about anything and everything with those you call friends....

I am going to start adding a lot of big english in my post now because i read like two authors post and they said they do not need dictionary to read my content, so i feel i should start making people have dictionary around them for fear of my grammar, just kidding lol.. There is beauty in Simplicity

I hope this hive friendship continue for a very long time...


I am the last born of the family of six and my immediate brother took a lot of years from me, so you can say i was born by mistake, it was not intentional as my mum thought she could not get pregnant anymore but burl surprised her, she tried to make me go away but the stubborn me made her realize she is stuck with me and there is nothing she can do about it.. I am unstoppable

Since i was the last born, i had no one to call little bro or sister, i was enjoying the benefit of being the last born from my siblings and parent and that kinda affected me now, i expect everyone to pamper me rather than me doing it lol, so my wife going to have to face that as an issue lol cos who is going to pamper who 😁

Things changed though when the eldest in our family became pregnant, i was in primary 5 and she wanted me to come live with her and her husband, you should know her if you read my post about how i grew up in a forest with my sister and how we don't go outside anymore once it is 5 p.m and we only come outside in the morning when the day is bright, how time flies...

I was with her throughout the rest of her pregnancy months, she enrolled me in a school in her place and the day she gave birth, it was revealed to me like a vision but i didn't understand till later... So what happened was on my way back from school that day, i got to a street and then somehow when i saw a particular house, i got mixed emotion and i felt a little bit strange but i have never been there before nor do i know anyone there so i kept walking home, only to get home to receive the news from my sister's husband that she has given birth and he was waiting for me so we can go there together and guess what? the place he took me to was the same house i had a mixed feeling about, my bone and flesh was there with her baby and the spirit was trying to tell me that but i didn't get it xd...


My sister look so tired but i can tell she was so happy with the looks from her eyes and the faint smile on her face, that was her first child and my first nephew, she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy... The baby looks so beautiful with a very soft skin..

She left the hospital the next day with the baby, i fall in love with babies right there, i wanted to carry him but i do not know how to, because he was very soft and i fear he might break into two if i carried him, my sister gave him to me to carry and i had to ask her to carry him because i felt he was really going to break into two lol...

I got used to carrying the baby after few weeks though, then my best hobby was playing with him, when he grew a little older, i started teaching him some funny sounds like making sound with my mouth and that sounds funny to him and he also try to imitate me, surprisingly he got it after a few try lol...

When he started learning to talk, he could not call my full name which is bolaji so he shortened it to aji, few months after, i think he was 8 months then, i took him out to play football, i ended up passing him around, anytime it is my turn to play ball, i gave him to a friend and when it is his own turn, he gave it to another and when my team lose, i collect him back.. He was happy with the development but his cloth was so dirty when we got home and her mother was not pleased with it so that was the last time i took him out when i wanted to go play😁...


I was also there when he took his first step to crawl and the most exciting part was when he wanted to start walking, at first he learn to stand for few minutes then later he moved to the stage of taking two steps before falling down, then he upgraded to walking few more steps before dropping and at the end, he mastered the art of walking.. He was a happy boy....

The part i hate is when his mum go out and he poop on his body, dang i so much hate that so i always tell his mum to make sure to wear pampers for him, that is the only part but i get used to that after him, she gave birth to another baby boy and my other sister also gave birth to two baby now i have two nephew and two niece...

I love babies, their beautiful smile, tender skin, soft cheeks and i would also love to have my own FLESH AND BONE i can call my baby...

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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