A broken heart is a Depressed soul

Depression is a terrible state of the mind that messes up a person's mental health. There are so many things that can lead one into depression and a few of those things are:


  • Heartbreak : One of the things that can make a full-grown man shed tears without anyone touching him is heartbreak, I have witnessed this couple of times and I will be sharing a story about one.

  • Loss of job or source of income: Another thing that a man cherishes is his source of income, without this, he would be disrespected and might even lose the love of his life, he would be incompetent in the eyes of his family. This is why some men go into depression when they lose their job or have a hard time in their place of work which could lead to them being sacked.

Incurable Diseases: Imagine having Aids, if you are someone with a soft mind, you may go ahead to commit suicide because you feel your life has ended, some people who died of Aids got killed faster by their fears and not by the disease

The list goes on but not to perambulate too much

I have this younger brother, we are not related by blood but we have had a lot of adventures and time together that we are now family, he is a very jovial guy and also knows how the street works.

A few years ago, he met this girl online who used to be his schoolmate but they were not close, he knew the girl but the girl doesn't know him back then in school, they became chat buddies and he started developing feelings for her, the girl told him she was in a relationship and they continued as friends which later became bestie as their bond wax stronger.


They started having intimacy, the girl was cheating on her boyfriend because she told him everything about her relationship, how she has a school father who is also being intimate with her.

I was not really concerned when he was gisting me, since he is just one of those boys having their way with her but things got complicated when he told me he loved the girl, I tried to advise him that he knows the past and history of the girl, so why would he have feelings for her and at the same time, why would he even think of long term with her but it is hard to advise someone who is already in love.

He moved away from my area to live in another state with the girl and things were going fine I think, we talked once in a blue... One day he called me early in the morning and he was crying while explaining to me that the girl was cheating on him, I was not surprised because it is what she can do based on what happened in her past relationship and I reminded him again that hope he knows she was cheating on her boyfriend with him and others.

He showed me his home appliances that he destroyed because of the issue and also lamented on how much he had spent on the girl, I felt sorry for him but I was not moved in anyway cos I told him, I was not moved until he came around a few days later and was very skinny, I knew heartbreak was dealing with him badly and he is depressed, I entertained him and we talk, I tried to cheer him up and also told him there are many fishes in the ocean, he should not kill himself because of a girl that will still get fked the day they will bury him.

It was not easy to move on and it took him several months to heal.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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