My One Wish...

Image by Valentin Petkov

Hello everyone, how are you doing on this beautiful day? It surely is a good day to be alive and well, and a great time to be a member of this glorious community.

Based on the votes cast, today’s topic is one wish I could make.

Well, as the saying goes if wishes were horses then beggars would ride. Most of the things we wish for are things we believe we cannot have. Because mere wishing is easier than having to work and strive for something. Once we realize an actual way we can achieve this, it stops being a wish and becomes a dream. Which will eventually give birth to plan and subsequently action. Before we get results.

And most of the time we end up wishing for something unrealistic, and that is the kind of wish I make. That way I do not set myself up for disappointment.

Growing up, we never had much, but we did not let that get in the way of our childhood. When our parents could not buy us toys, we made our toys. There is nothing I would change about my childhood even if I had the chance. Because that is part of what made me the man that I am today.

As an adult, if I am granted one wish I would have to think hard and fast. But I would not lie to you. I would wish to have all the power in the universe.

I am not talking about political power or spiritual power. I just want the power to bend the universe to my will. I will control space and time, control destinies and futures. I will have the ability to eradicate sickness and diseases in the world, destroy poverty once and for all. And curse my country to have constant power. Even when the Generating station is not producing power, there will still be light.

Growing up, I have faced quite a lot. Been through a lot and I do not want my children or anyone else for that matter to have to do the same. So if I had one wish, it would be the power to make serious changes to this world. Make it fit into what I believe the ideal world is. And make sure every single person on earth is happy.

But alas, my wish is quite unrealistic. No one can have that much power. There is no amount of hard work and perseverance that can get you there.

And this means that the world will remain the way it is, with everyone bearing the brunt of a merciless universe that cares about nobody.

But hold on… the world can indeed be changed. But this does not require someone with all the power in the world, instead, it needs everyone’s little effort. We all should try our possible best to make life a little easier for our friends and neighbors. When it is done like, that we will have more reasons to be happy, and a lot of the evils plaguing this world would be avoided making it a better place.

Who knows, maybe my wish can come true after all.

Thank you for reading, see you in my next post.

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