Is There A Thing Like Absolute Freedom?



Is there a thing like Absolute Freedom?

Is it possible for a person to be free to do anything they want without restrictions and all? We all talk about how we live in a free world, but is it really a free world? Or do we maybe just get selective freedom? We are free in some areas, but in others, we are not free.

In a way, too much freedom might sound a bit like trying to live without laws. Because if there is one thing laws do, it restricts people and stops them from doing things that are not right. Lawlessness also gives us freedom, but then what kind of freedom is that?


This topic reminded me of the first Avengers movie where Loki was the villain, and one of his reasons for the desire to rule Earth was because humans craved to be ruled. Even though they would never admit it, they would gravitate to the next person that would tell them what to do.

But then, that is just fiction. But is it? When there is too much freedom, all we get is chaos and disorder taking over everywhere we turn. Because then people will have little control over the things we do, and the world system can collapse as a result.

Cotttonbro Studio

We all have the freedom to speak, but then there is a limit to what you can say. If you say something that is untrue about someone else and tarnishes their reputation, it is punishable by the law. There is freedom of the press, but there are limits even journalists and other people of the press can’t get to or they will get sanctioned. Also, everyone can vote and be voted for, but there are limits and requirements to that, if not newborn babies would be running for elections and toddlers would be voting for them.

So you see, while we have freedom, we still need these restrictions to keep the world in check and maintain balance. Humans being humans, they will always want to push the boundary and see just how far they can take their bravado. A lot of the ills that the world is faced with today are as a result of too much freedom. These days, we are having serious issues that should never even exist in the first place, just because people are free to do it.


So, my dear friends, what am I saying? The more free we are as humans, the more caged we will be. Unless of course every human on earth has some sort of a hive mind and can do everything in sync. But if not, too much freedom will not work out. Whenever two or more people are gathered, one person will subconsciously be chosen as a leader. They might never talk about this, and it would never cross their minds, but you’ll find that what that person says will be gospel and they will follow it to the letter. Many times, the person will not even know when he steps into the shoes of the leader.

In the world we live in today, there is nothing like absolute freedom. And that is what is keeping the world in check. We need this balance because the moment everyone decides that they know what is best for them, then we would have a big problem on our hands.

Shiva Smyth

There are countries today whose citizens suffer from a lack of freedom, and there are those whose citizens suffer as a result of too much freedom. While there are countries in the middle, they just have the right blend of freedom and restrictions. In my country, the blend is not right at all because of so many factors, but I will not be talking about that today.

I don’t really know about the future, but judging from the past the more freedom we get the worse a lot of things get as a result. We can notice this in the way our parents talk about their childhood and the upbringing they had, then we compare it with our childhood and the modifications they did to their parenting style. Now, compare that with the children of today. It all seems like everything is getting worse and worse, right?

But it’s just evolution, the natural flow of life. A time might come when we would have true freedom, I don’t know what the world will be like then, but finding out might be closer than think.

I guess we’ll keep our fingers crossed.

Bayu Jefri

Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you are thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is Too Much Freedom. Feel free to try it out.

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