Creative Sunday/Flamingos reflected in the water

Greetings friends of @HiveLearnes , it is a pleasure to publish again in this community.The collage of this Creative Sunday I make it to teach you and you learn as I learned to give movement to my Collages with the free application "Lunapic" which is very good and easy to use, I hope you like it.

My entry.Creative Sunday/Flamingos reflected in the water

The images I used in my Collage are public domain and here I show you their sources:

Step by Step Process

  • The first thing I did was to select a very beautiful landscape image. Then I go to "Format" and select "Corrections" to change the Brightness +20% and Contrast +40%.

  • Then I took the image of the flamingos and removed the background using the free application I just let the image load without the background wait a few seconds and then download it. Place the flamingos in the center of the landscape and perform the same steps as in the previous image to change the "Brightness" and "Contrast".

The next step is to select the image, click on copy and then paste into Paint.

Thus, with this application what we are looking for is that this image changes and you can see the reflection of water at the bottom of our image.

Now I go to the application "Lunapic," download the image I saved earlier in the folder and wait for it to download.

Once there I go to "Animation" and select "Reflecting water" and apply the changes and finally the image is saved in downloads and ready.

Edit the photos with PowerPoint and Lunapic both free applications

Thanks for your support, see you next time, take care.

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