Why New Users Struggle on Hive and How to Help Them

Yes, this is a very serious matter and I think this is the reason that new users come to Hive but after some time they get disappointed and return from here. The first thing that I think is that people do not have proper knowledge, even if people search about Hive on the internet, they do not have proper knowledge about how it works, so maybe due to this some people go back, if there is no one to guide the users, already present in the platform and he knows a little about this, then things become easy for them too, but a new user is coming here after searching about you on the internet and it takes some time for him to understand things on his own, but maybe nowadays people do not have that much patience that they can wait for sometime and understand things, everyone wants instant results and maybe this is not available here and many people make a lot of mistakes in a few days due to which they have to leave this platform and then maybe this platform leaves a big impact on their mind for life.

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Yes if it was in place of Hive's other social media platforms or as popular as them then people probably wouldn't have faced so many problems it still needs a lot of promotion and people are promoting it at their level but I think that Hive should think more about themselves yes they are investing a lot of money in marketing but maybe they are not getting the desired results.
We need real promotion or you can say a team of professionals that can handle this kind of thing easily.

Recently Splinterlands put forward a proposal @splinterlands/splinterlands-dhf-proposal and Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - July 18th 2024! in which they had proposed to promote Hive and also to promote @Splinterlands and this is a very good step and we should support such proposals, by doing this we will onboard a lot of new users and when an old user onboards new users then they have a lot of experience of this platform which they should share with other new users and this is also very important. I have seen a lot of great users here but after some time they left this platform and the reason for most of them is that they do not get support. The days are a bit tough but we should keep motivating the users and keep guiding them from time to time. I have talked about this topic many times and I am working on a YouTube channel in which I will tell things to guide the users I hope that the channel will prove to be very helpful for the people. I cannot say right now how much time it will take to start it but I am working little by little to build it and trying to keep the content in English so that my message can reach as many people as possible.

Look, I think there are many ways, we just need to implement them. Everyone wants more users to come here and the value of this coin also increases. But this cannot happen on its own, we should do something about it. We all should keep promoting hive at our level and will keep trying to the old or existing users should pay more attention to their power because by doing this you can encourage new users. If your power is good, then you will motivate the new users and you can also support them. In the initial days, yes, there are many communities that support new users, but they too cannot support every user because everyone has limited power and limited access. But if all of us who are old users or I say those who have good knowledge of this platform, increase their status and encourage and motivate the users, if they make a post, then we should like it and I am sure next time they will try to perform even better. If you feel that they are doing something wrong yes, then you can understand through the comments and you can explain what they should do and what they should not do. Many people have made posts on this, you will find these posts easily.


Look, nothing is perfect but we can at least bring it close to perfect, there are shortcomings everywhere but if you want to scale high, then I think we first have to make the platform like the new results and explain things to them easily, this is the only option because you can easily understand the platform and get good rewards and probably that will also motivate you and you will stay here for a long term. I am not saying that everyone should keep their power to themselves. Everyone has their own needs and according to that they have full right to spend and leave their power. But if you are thinking of staying here from a long term perspective, then you should focus more on your high power and you should understand your importance and should also keep encouraging people to increase it. There are many people here on the platform who keep doing this from time to time and also inspire others and motivate others. But we need many more people who are doing this so that we can create a better environment for new users and encourage them as much as possible.

So what do you think why people leave This platform? According to me, this is the reason. Do you also think the same or do you disagree with me? Please share.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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