Unplugging in a Plugged-In World: A Journey to Digital Minimalism

Nowadays social media has become a part of our lives, yes it is not here for everyone but mostly everyone is now becoming a part of it. If you look at any business, they all have social media handles. This is also so that they can interact more with their audience and can make their offers reach them. There are many other ways in which you can do digital marketing nowadays. And social media is the most common among them. And it is also quite popular, if you have a good fan following then you can earn a lot by promoting different brands on social media platforms or giving reviews of their products. If you completely remove social media, then it is going to have a huge impact on their life because nowadays most of the youth spend their time on social media platforms. Nowadays, apps have come to the fore. Earlier, there used to be very few apps but now. Every week something new is seen and you and your friends go to it and get involved.

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I personally used to be very active on social media a few years ago, but ever since I joined Hive, I have spent much less time on other platforms. Yes, this is also a social media platform (yes not that much popular eight now ), but after joining it, I have left almost all other social media platforms. Yes, I still use some of them to promote Hive, but not as much as I am active here. I live. Yes, if you talk about leaving this too, then perhaps it will be very difficult to get back here because most of my free time is spent reading people's posts, doing curation and doing other work. Most of my time is spent here and I am very happy with this because I believe that I am learning a lot by wasting my time here and will not waste it, I will say that I keep learning something new from here.

If you talk about leaving all the social media platforms, then I can leave others but leaving Hive will have a big impact on my life because all my free time is spent here. And it will be very difficult to get this one, I have given up the others, and I hardly use them, but if I have to give up this one too, then perhaps I will be freer and will have a lot more time I believe. Yes, it seems very easy to say, but if this actually happens then it will be very difficult, especially for those who are very active here. If social media is completely stopped then you will get a lot more time and you will spend more time with your family or with your other friends. Nowadays you see that wherever people go, the first thing they do is take out their phone. They go and they forget to see their friend and just capture photos of them on their phones and I feel very bad seeing this.



Yes, if social media is completely removed from your life, then a lot of time is saved and you can do many more things. Apart from talking on time, many people also make good use of it and earn money as well. Most of the young generation wastes time here talking to each other and just scrolling through other's posts and much more and believe me, once you get trapped in this illusion then it is very difficult to get out of here and you become addicted to it. By the time you come to know about this, it is too late. I think it has more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, you will get a lot more time and you will be able to spend your precious time on something else and maybe do something productive. Yes, it will be a big shock for many people, but it will not only benefit many people, but it will also be a loss for many companies because nowadays many companies are dependent on social media platforms.

To be honest, it feels very strange for some days but gradually we get used to things and we forget them the same applies everywhere and it is basic human nature to use things. When we start reducing it, we forget it as a thing and a time comes when we call it a complete thing. I will tell you that it is easy for me to leave social media completely except Hive because I spend most of my time here, I can leave any other social media and I will not have any problem with that. What do you think about this?


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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