My Near-Death Experience on the Treacherous Mountain Road

Well, we remain afraid of many things in our lifetime. But there are some things which we can never forget throughout our life and that moment comes before us again and again. It could be anything, but if you have had a near-death experience, you will hardly be able to forget it. I don't know whether this has happened to everyone or not, but it has happened to me many times. I think others too must have had such an experience at some point or the other.

Life is a mystery and we can never know what is going to happen in the next moment, this is what makes life mysterious. We all know that one day we all have to die, but still no one knows who will die, how and when. It is possible that in the future we will be able to find out all this or it may also happen that there is no kill at all. There are possibilities of many things happening, now we will be able to know this only in the future.


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This happened some time ago, at that time the weather in my state was very bad, roads were broken all around, mountains were falling and houses were also being washed away. So overall the scene was very scary. In such a situation, one may get scared even thinking of going from here to there. But those who have compulsion have to go, no one can stop you and now we can only hope that everyone is well. No one wants to die, even though everyone knows that one day everyone will end, but still everyone is afraid of it. Who is not afraid of death and can do anything and in a way he is also the most dangerous person because there is no fear left in him.

At that time the road was very bad and mountains were falling at many places and new videos of accidents were coming on the internet every day. In such a situation, it was becoming very difficult to move here and there. But due to some important work I had to travel 100 kilometers away from my city. Since there was only one route, I had no other option. My family members were forbidding me but the work was very urgent so I had to leave. I don't like traveling in small vehicles, so I prefer traveling in big vehicles like bus.

While travelling, when I was looking out of the window, there was Malwa all around. The sky supported me that day and there was no rain anywhere. But many vehicles were stuck in long traffic jams for several kilometers. Everyone wanted to reach safely but nothing happens before time and this is also true. Everyone was scared inside but still the journey had to be done. Our bus remained stuck in a jam at one place for more than half an hour, after which the bus slowly started moving forward and I was quite surprised to see the scene ahead. Because the road was very narrow and on one side there were vehicles moving and on the other side there were bulldozers and other machines clearing the road debris.

Due to the narrowness of the road, only one vehicle was able to pass at a time, hence there was a traffic jam. But as soon as our bus was passing through it, we got stuck in the traffic jam and the scene was so scary that I can't even describe it because Malwa was seen slowly coming down from the mountain above us. Many people even left the bus and ran away, and some people were trying to get out through the window but I remained sitting on my seat. I don't know what I was thinking at that time but I was sitting there.

I thank the driver of our bus because he showed us all so much courage and bravery. The driver was getting angry for a moment because people were leaving the car and running away. It is justifiable for anyone to lose morale like this. The driver and conductor of the bus showed courage and pulled us out of the situation. I was very happy to hear that he did not have any accident that day nor did he face any mountain at that time. I was very nervous. For a moment it felt as if this is my end but believe me when I reached my place safely. When I went, I was so happy that I couldn't talk.

Have you ever had such an experience?

see you in the next post, till then Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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