Drops of Wisdom: Promoting Conscious Water Consumption

Although we have often heard that water is life and it is not possible to live without it, as summer is coming and the temperature of the earth is also increasing, people are experiencing water shortage. Is thought. Nowadays, when you feel thirsty, there are many options through which you can quench your thirst. Nowadays, there are many different types of products available in the market with the help of which you can quench your thirst immediately and these days it is available in many different flowers. Available through which their habit has become very common. Instead of drinking normal water, most people always use juices or other substances available in the market, even if they are easily available and we feel a different kind of pleasure in drinking them, but it is very bad for our health. We all should understand that it is more harmful, no matter how much they claim to be organic, but in the end, the truth is that everything is made with the use of chemicals because it becomes very difficult to get so many whole things available and It is somewhat possible to do this, this is my belief, what do you think about this.

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As the human population is increasing, we are spoiling the natural resources and rivers are the main ones that we are making more and more dirty. If there is any big factory in your area, that big factory is contributing to purifying the rivers in large quantity, it is paying tax to the government, in the main it belongs to the government, it means that it does not matter how much or how much quantity goes into the rivers. I am also a source of waste material, this is not just an example, many types of pollution are spoiling our rivers and we all are participating in it to a greater extent than anywhere else. It is not that we are all engaged in doing bad things, many people are doing a lot to clean the rivers and conserve the natural resources and it makes me very happy to see this. I also like to do such work. I wish to start such an institute but unfortunately, it is not available here in my area, I don't know if I start such an institute shortly, let's see what happens. Water is a very valuable part of our life. It is used in everything we do from waking up in the morning to sleeping at night.

From making tea in the morning to washing utensils in the evening, water is required for everything. And we cannot survive without water. If you go out a little in summertime, you must drink something. Many people like to drink juice and it is also beneficial for massage. If you directly in any way Are you drinking fruit juice in the summer season or all the shops are very full? If you feel that this thing is beneficial for your health, then your future should consume such things and try that you There are many things through which we can save wastage of water so that we can prevent water from getting wasted in our surroundings and use such things which can be used to misuse water. Nowadays everyone is much more intelligent and everyone understands that if we do not appreciate our natural sources and natural resources today, we may have to face a lot of problems in the future.



Although it is said that running water never gets spoiled, still we should not be careless. Whatever water is there in your house, whatever fresh water you fill, you should keep it filtered. Many people nowadays use Aquaguard and other things. But even in olden times, there were many options available through which water was filtered. If you can arrange for an earthen pot then it is very good to cool the water and also to filter it. You should first boil the water and then put it in the filter. The water in the earthen pot will be very cold. And it is very beneficial for summer. By doing this you can reduce the use of fridges and also save electricity. Although there are many other methods through which you can drink pure water, do not boil the water as it kills most of the germs, I have been reading this since childhood.

If you want your water to be available to everyone, then reduce the wastage of water and use as many things as possible that can conserve water, such as storing the water that comes after washing utensils and then using it for plants. You can put it in the water, you can use it in the toilet, you can recycle it in this way or you can set up a recycling plant in your house through which you can also recycle this water. There are many such technologies for using water for science. Can do it and do the work without wastage. Even though you have plenty of water there, you should not miss it or waste it. In our locality, almost whenever fresh water comes, water keeps flowing from everyone's tanks.

I am shocked to see this. It is very sad, it is not that those people are not educated, everyone is very safe, but still, I don't know why they do not think about this, maybe if the government installs water meters then maybe they will get some wisdom. Or I don't know whatever it may be but we should try to save as much water as possible and we should find ways to conserve rain water through which we can use it as well. Here in India, you can get money from the government through many government schemes, if you have a mind to work on a good project. I think nowadays it has become much easier to get a loan and if you want to do any good initiative then you should not take any risk at all to do so and you must do it and inspire people.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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