Currency Chronicles: Decoding the Stories Behind National Icons

We mostly see that every currency of every country has a face on it and that person is a well-known historian of the country. Or some special person who has done a lot for the country in the past. And believe me, it is a matter of a very big house if someone's face is attached to the name of some country. Yes, if you think about it, not everyone agrees that the person whose photo is on their currency deserves it or not, but there are and will be many controversies about that. I am a native of India, hence the picture of Mahatma Gandhi is displayed on all the notes. But his name also comes in a lot of controversy and some say one thing and some say something else.


It can be said that wherever the British ruled, they have smashed the country's history and everything else and have made everything in their favour. And it is quite a shame that now we do not know much about our own culture, it also feels quite bad. Oh man, it will be very difficult to decide whose face should be in a currency, I have never thought about this before but after seeing this topic, a lot of names are coming to my mind and it has become quite difficult to select one of them because someone If anyone's face is seen then people will not only oppose him, many people may be in his favour and many people will also be against him and it is quite common for this to happen.

There will hardly be any special person whom everyone likes. What if there is no face of anyone in the currency, it is also possible, then maybe people will not oppose whose face was used and why not whose face was used. Look, no matter what you do, people will always say something or the other and what is important is that if you live in a democratic country if you cannot raise your voice then you might be living under a dictator. I have thought a lot and many names are roaming in my mind but it is very difficult to narrow down on one of them still, I will narrow down on one name and that is Bhagat Singh. Why did I choose the name here at the age of just 23, he had sacrificed his life for the country and we rarely get to see such a thing. Yes, there were many other people too but this person touched my heart a lot.

At the age of 23, it is very rare to think of all these things and follow them strictly. Yes, it was like this for a long time too, but still, people think about many things but very few people do them and He was one of them. I am sure that if this person's face is printed on the currency note then people will be very happy because they also understand that at such a young age he had sacrificed his life for the country. Yes, it is said that some leaders did have the power to save him (with his two more friends), they could have stopped his hanging but they did not do so. This is a very controversial question and answer, so let's leave it here for now.

Everyone does a lot for themselves but there are very few people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the society and country around them and they also participate in such things with great enthusiasm. Yes, I will not say that there is any dearth of such people, even nowadays people do many such works which make one feel like saluting them and getting inspired by their works, more people are starting such works but that is the time. It was something else. Imagine that your entire country has been taken over by someone else and you know that if you do anything against them, you will get a direct death sentence, yet they did such acts that ultimately cost them their lives and he received the title of a martyr.

Everyone can have their own opinion on this matter and I also respect it because it is not necessary that you also like what I like, but I think that if there is a photo of Bhagat Singh in the note, then it will be There is nothing wrong and people will definitely understand this because sacrificing one's life for the country at the age of 23 is not a small thing.


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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