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Comedy, we do need this at some point...

We all do need some kind of entrainment in our life, and we all do know that laughter is the best medicine. If you are laughing at some point then there will be less stress in your life for sure, so try to spread love, smile and laugh with others. Hate is everywhere and all of us do have the quality to do that, but we all do have at least one friend who is capable to do this. He is a kind of an entertainer in our group. If he/she is around we all do have more fun I think at some points boys do have more fun compared to girls when they are they are with their friends. Not sure why but I have noticed and seen that in many places (or maybe I am wrong what do you think? )

The time has gone to watch videos that used to be long, not all do have the patience to watch movies and lengthy podcasts. we all are getting used to the shorts which are a max of 30-sec videos we do need to learn things from the shorts we see but that is not possible. To understand things properly we do need to deep down a bit more into that particular thing to get a better understanding of that too don't you think? At some point, we all need some kind of comedy(entrainment) in our life,


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There are so many types of comedy available these days but not all do like all types of comedy. We all do have our own taste, of entrainment. If you have a few families then it is not possible that everyone to like the same type of content. Now the content worldwide is very adult. We can't even watch new web series with our parents are with kids, Not even a comedy show. There is a very famous comedian in India who is very popular his name is Kapil Sharma. He used to perform in reality shows but if you are not famous and no one looks over you you are talent is the only thing that makes the difference. This has been proved by him, it doesn't matter what you do doing that with all that you got them I am sure you are gonna be successful in your field.

I used to watch the show weekly with my family while having dinner but now duty lake of time it is really hard to do that. Now every single member does have their own smartphone, laptop, and other stuff too. My mother used to watch TV most of all time she is more concerned about her Hindi drama series. Sometimes you did get lost in that I used to do that as we grow we do see the world and our taste it gets changes a lot. I was a very big fan of Mr. Bean, I used to watch his cartoon on Cartoon Network or maybe it was Hangama not sure 😬. That used to be a very famous show, but thanks to the internet now we don't have to look over that I will just have to type Mr bean videos you will see thousands of videos of Mr bean. There is a mix-up of cartoons and the real Mr bean. Both are really great shows. That type of comedy is good too, you are gonna laugh just by their reactions.


Maybe you can make others laugh based on your words if you are able to do that without even speaking a single word then you are also Mr. Bean to me 😅. I do love the open mic and stand-up comedy these days too, most of that can't be listened to with all family together. I do listen to that with my brothers or mostly alone. It is a really awkward moment if you are sitting with your family and watching the open ic comney shows. Did this happen to you too? I really like Mr. Bean a lot, I will make the same suit as his that is used to wear most of the time. Maybe someday I will be able to make someone laugh. Vene though I am not a funny kind of person but still I do try my best to make others laugh not all the time that did go well but still I do try to do that again with a new attempt it really great to make others laugh not can do that. I do respect those who are able to do that.

Sometimes we do need to change our mood and sometimes a good joke makes us feel better, I am sure we all try to teach our family and friends when they are angry. We do try to make them laugh sometimes with some silly or lame joke and sometimes by embarrassing them (it is fun though only at that time). 😅 Do you do the same, or I am the only odd one out in the room?

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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