Care of Mental Health...

Most of us are busy with our lives, we all have to do so mnay things in our life even if you are a job person or not. If you are a student then things are different level for you. the tension of homework, exams, and other stuff. If you are an adult then things are next level for you. So, much responsibility is on you if you are the only person who is earning the bread for your family. Sometimes things get messy for sure, and it is really hard to survive this did happen a lot even though I am not the only person who is earning but still, I do have some responsibilities. Now I am kind of used to of this all these things but to be honest, things are not the same all the time sometimes we get a bit frustrated with all the things around us, don't we?

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Why we all are taking all the pressure of course either way it is linked to money, isn't this true? Money is the center of all the things around us, without money, it is really hard to survive. we all have to earn money to survive in the world. Most of us are running in a rat race to earn money and there is no ending to that. If you are in the rat race then it is really hard to get from there. It is designed like that if you are into it then it is really hard to run from it.

You should watch this video this is all about happiness, I am sure you are gonna love and relate to this too. This is how most of the common man's life is hard but this is the reality these days. Many are giving money more priority than other things around us we do see so mnay crimes that are related to money and day by day all these things are increasing too.

I used to worry a lot about my work and other things around me, but it is not gonna help me in any way. But it did take me time to understand all the things, but I did realize that being worried about things is not gonna change anything for me. The best thing I can do is to work on that, how to resolve that, or how to get rid of the problems. Life and time are the best teachers in the entire world, we do learn lots of things from them (only if we are ready to learn). Always remember one thing if things are not in your hand then don't think too much about that. You can write a post the votes on your posts are not in your hands so don't worry about that. If you are making good content sooner or later you see start seeing the results. Shri Krishan said a great line to Arjuna "कर्म करो फल की चिन्ता न करो" (do your work don't worry about the result)

There are a few things you can follow in your life to have good mental health with physical health:

  • Spend time with your family (especially small kids ).
  • Do meditation (At least 10 minutes daily).
  • Go for a walk (Do some exercise you can't go on a walk ).
  • Work on your hobbies.
  • Go on small vacations (alone/ with family/ with friends)

These are a few things that you can follow to maintain your mental health, nothing is gonna happen in a day it is gonna take some time. (I am not a professional at anything just string my personal experiences with you here). If you having a problem with your mental health then I will recommend you visit a doctor.
Thanks what do you think?

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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wish me luck 😅

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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