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a kid again...

Wow, that would be great if we would ever get a chance to be a kid again, what do you think? I am sure we all miss our childhood there are so many childhood memories we all do have where we all do want to live again with friends it's like you did a chance to rewrite your post it's not that would be amazing. That is giving me goosebumps right now, it would be great to spend the amazing moments of life again.

There are so many things I would like to do if I did get a chance to live my childhood again. I have to relieve those amazing moments of my life with my friends and with my family members who are no more with me. I first thing I am gonna do is to invest in BTC if I will remember about that I doubt that it is possible. I have seen many si-fi movies you are unable to remember the future if you go back in your past if you are traveling into the future then things are different for sure. I guess I have to leave some evidence to remember myself about all of this.


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There are so many things we do want to do in our childhood days but were not able to do due to some circumstances but this time I will try to do what I used to think in my childhood days and I do want to correct a few of my mistakes. I guess I have not done that thing when I was a child my future would be sure different from now what it is now. I used to introvert in my childhood days this time I will try not to be like that. I used to admire a few of my class and I want to be like them I know comparing is not good but we all do that from time to time in our life. sometimes we don't want to but that did happen.

Now I see how these days kids get so many gadgets I dont; really want that type of life. Life outside the room is a good life it is good to be a social person. I used to do that a lot when I was in class 3rd or 4th I am not sure what happened with me all of a sudden I did get changed a lot. I think my few years of memory are a lot somewhere lol, what I am thinking.

playing with friends for the entire day no worries about the sun, food, and other things. It was fun with all the friends, those were really great days. There were no expensive toys at that time we do remember that we used to have video games at that time not like play stations, those videos does need only 2 AA batteries and that did run for months. we used to play many games we used to ask questions(it was fun) most of the time the asked question used to be silly but still, we all used to have a lot of fun together. I am sure you all have done the same.

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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wish me luck πŸ˜…

Thanks a lot for staying till the end πŸ˜ƒπŸ™, let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.πŸ™πŸ˜€

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