God's handwork

God has shown his superiority in every area of life, no one can question his works because no one has matched up to his intelligence. There is a lot of competition in our world today, especially from the scientists who believe in logic, not miracles, these sets of people work every day to bring to the knowledge things we didn't know about the universe but yet their knowledge cannot amount to what God has in store. The whole universe is God's idea both living and nonliving exist because he wants them to be in existence. Searching through the atlas made me understand how big the planet earth is. The existence of different continents on earth with different countries in them made me wonder at his magnificent works, which scientist has tried on many occasions to prove how they come into existence but they have not arrived at their answers yet because we human are also part of his existence.

The creation of a mannequin (a human-form dummy)is part of humans trying to imitate the work of God but God has proved his superiority over and over again because the breath of life in us as humans cannot be transferred into the dummy. Scientists can only make a human-form machine that is a robot.

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The astronauts going into space for research have made us understand most of the things we see as impossibilities but all they are trying to do is to broaden our knowledge of what it might look like not really what it is. According to research, we are made to understand that the moon is like a rock while some say it consists of dust, I can't argue with them because I have no idea what it looks like but the creator knows what he created.


Scientists have helped us a lot in society by manufacturing different kinds of machines to make us live a comfortable life, the development of machines like x-ray machines, hematocrit machines, and many more of their kind to monitor human health is a device developed by man which is built on man's knowledge and imagination while God doesn't need any machine to tell us what is faulty in us as human being. We are his creation so he knows when one part is not functioning properly so he knows how to replace such. To prove Gods superiority many herbs used in modern medicine is created by God for our consumption to live a healthy life. God doesn't need our permission to wake us up the next morning when we sleep at night, man can devise means for us to sleep for example the use of sleeping pills but can never wake you up except God wants you to wake. The wisdom used in the manufacturing of these things comes from the superior king himself , there are some people God uses as helpers to deliver his goodwill to mankind. Living is a privilege not a right so every moment should be appreciated because it is a special gift from the superior being.

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The work of God cannot be questioned because he is, he was and will always be.
Thank you hivers for being part of my joy. You are the best .

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