Things I will never do.

Creating a bucket list is all well and good, but I have never created an anti-bucket list before. Although there are several things I have promised myself never to do, I never thought of listing them out.


So, this will be my first time making an anti-bucket list. Here are the few things I will not do ever in my life and the reason why I won’t do them.

Hang with toxic people

This is the biggest NO-NO in my life. I have always told myself that in order to be successful or stay positive, hanging out with toxic people or friends should be a NO-NO for me. Toxic people often contribute to one’s downfall, and they are also a bad influence.


Smoking is the second biggest NO-NO in my life. Although I don’t judge or criticise people that smoke, after all, one can do as they please with their life, but for me, I’ve always promised myself never to smoke or try smoking in my life because of its effect on one’s health.

Spend money on things that don’t count.

I have always told myself never to spend money or buy things that I will regret at the end because every penny spent on things that don’t matter can be used to do better things, which is why I’m always cautious about what I’m spending money on and have added it to my never to do list.

Get a tattoo

Getting a tattoo is another thing on my never-to-do list. I just don’t see anything appealing about tattoos—they're permanent, they hurt, they sometimes cause skin infection, and they are a huge commitment. Once one gets a tattoo, there is no changing of mind about it.

Pierce any part of my body.

As a man, I don’t see any beauty in piercing any part of the body, and it does look insane to me when I see any member of the male gender pierce any part of their body. I find it insane, which is why it is on my never to do list.

Eat snake

I think it is irritating to eat snakes. Most of the time when my friends are talking about how sweet it is to eat snakes, I do tell them to stop because it does always make me want to throw up. The thought of eating snakes does make me feel sick, which is why it is on my never to do list.

In conclusion, there are other things I do not plan to do ever in my life, like staying out late, eating junk food, judging people for who they are, and so on.

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