Romantic stories or movies are great entertainment, but not a relationship user manual.

Romantic stories and movies are entertaining, but some people want their relationship lives to be like the characters in the movies or stories, which can lead to a distorted relationship.


There is nothing wrong with reading stories or watching romantic movies, but many people today use them as a guide in their relationships, which has led to a misunderstanding of what a relationship and love should look like.

Many individuals are single today or have ended their relationships because they expect their partners to act like characters in romantic movies or stories.

This makes me remember what happened to a friend of mine last year. There is no time that I remember how the relationship ended that I won’t laugh or make jest of it.

He used to date a girl who expected him to act like most of the characters she saw in Korean love movies.
Long story cut short, she ended the relationship because my friend couldn’t act like what she expected.

People who use romantic movies or stories to judge what their relationship should look like often get disappointed and give up when they don’t get what they expected.

However, it is always difficult for these types of people to face reality because they often wish their personal relationships could be like the ones in romantic movies or stories. This act has caused many individuals to lose people that truly love them.

To avoid losing genuine love, one needs to get rid of the mentality of wanting to put some of the love scenes seen in romantic movies or stories into practice.

Furthermore, romantic movies or stories can negatively influence the way people view relationships. although one also gets useful knowledge from watching romantic movies or reading stories.

In conclusion, it is best that people understand that romantic movies or stories are designed to entertain the viewers or readers and not a manual for relationships.

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