Shout out to the people that has helped me this far

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There are people that are vital to our growth in life but first I will acknowledge God because if not for him those important people won't be in my life,he has brought me to where I'm today, all thanks to him.

The first person I will call is my mother,God has helped her to allow me get to this point in my life,she has been a great blessing to me, since when I was a kid,she has a been a huge supporter to me,not only her but my dad too but he is no more now so let's focus on my mother,when I finished my secondary school I couldn't gain admission immediately,I was at home and later decided to go for A levels but after spending so much money I later didn't gain the admission,my mum spent more than 500k for the A level fees then but it all went to waste but she didn't abuse or react strange to me because she knew it wasn't my fault.

After then she still stood by me through out all the other admission processes, around that time my dad was always reminding me that they spent money on my A levels but my mum never did,she is just a perfect name for my gold and treasure.
Even till now after gaining admission she has been there for me, always supporting me,God bless her for me.

Another person I will like to mention is my pastor,I gained admission when my dad died and there was no money,I kept praying for help,so one day the pastor came into my boss shop,I was trying to remember him,I called him and actually mistook him for someone else until he told me his name that was when I remembered he was our provincial pastor and he knew my dad before his death because he was a pastor,so he was willing to help,he told me to come to his office and then I went the following week,he wrote me a cheque and told me to come back again,so I was able to pay for my acceptance fee,and part of my school fees,he was really a good man and I always appreciate him so much for allowing God to use him for me.

Another are my siblings and good friends,they are really important in my life,they helped me I was not doing anything,when I don't even know what to do, like my sister.

@maryjacy was the one that introduced me to readcash back then and now to hive,she is really wonderful,she has put me through so many times when I don't even know what to do here,even I disturb her she wouldn't mind,even here on hive learner she introduced me to it,when I started hive it was a challenge but sometimes she will gear me up to do more.
This platform has really helped me in so many ways,it has been a great thing to be here and also to my hive friends, knowing you people has been a great blessing, thank for the support and love,I love you all๐Ÿ˜˜.

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