My aunt was once in a toxic relationship

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I have heard alot about people in toxic relationship but I haven't been there myself and I never pray for such because it's a bad thing to behold.
My response to this is not based on me but my aunty,that's my mum's younger sister,I knew her marriage to be a toxic one right from primary school,her husband will beat and beat everytime.

I wasn't there but I heard this story from my mum,she said that when my aunt wanted to get married to that man that my grandma warned her but she wouldn't listen,she got pregnant before getting married,when she had one child for the man,they told her to leave and take care of the child but she said no,she said she can't leave the father of her child,when she gave birth to the second,it was the same story,I was there when she gave birth to the third child,she said she can't leave, still she got married to the man after the third child,I call that nonsense because why will you marry someone that has been beating you and also abuses you,that's arrant nonsense.

 After a while she will leave and go back to her husband again, everything the family told her fell on deaf ears,she's always going back,there was a time even before they got married that some people kept some money with my grandma,a huge sum of money,my aunt's husband is always going there and so there was this day that my grandma was not inside,her husband stole that money and kept it,my grandma knew he was the one that stole the money,infact everyone knew, despite raining curses on whoever took the money,he didn't say anything,my grandma started paying the money little by little,after sometime he came back to my grandma and apologized,the deed has already been done so why was he apologizing,that's how terrible the man is. 

So finally my aunt left him,and got married to someone else, funny enough after getting married to that person,that person left him again because of his animalistic behavior and he got together with another person again,but my aunt already made a terrible mistake,she didn't leave when she was supposed to leave,she stayed with him till she gave birth to three children for him.

My aunt is now single again,it is something I never pray for or for my siblings, marriage is a beautiful thing when you marry the right person but when you marry the wrong person,you live with it for the rest of your life.

The relationship was toxic for my aunt but she didn't leave immediately, things got spoiled before she left ,the man took all my aunt's children and went to his home town,she calls them or they call once in a while, recently I asked my mum about my aunt's relationship from the start and she said my aunt was not the first wife,he already got entangled with someone before and the woman gave him two children before he met my aunty,so I was confused,why was my aunty in that kind of relationship? He beats his first wife,that's why she left,so why will my aunty indulge in such relationship,she thinks he will change and won't do the same to her,it's never done,a proverb says that the Cain that is used to beat the first wife is on the ceiling for the second wife.

I learnt through this relationship that someone who is toxic won't change for you,it will even get worse when you marry that person,flee from toxic relationship or someone that is toxic,or someone that is showing little toxicity because it will get worse later.
Mind you,it's not just about beating,if he or she is abusing you emotionally/verbally,you need to walk away,it's not until they raise their hands.
Thank you 🥰🥰

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