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If I could turn back the hands of time

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of this week's topic

This is really a sensitive question,alot of us always wish because there are so many things we wouldn't have done if we had known the repercussion of what we had done then.

If I could turn back the hands of time and reduce my age, I will do it,I would be happy to reduce my age,go back in time because there is alot of things I need second chance for,things I want to change.

The first one is I would have started serving God genuinely from my teen age,I won't have met some people back then,there are some people that influenced me back then,I can't really say I allowed that though,I would have changed that.

Another one is I always regret this one action,there was a teacher back then,a student teacher precisely,he was transferred to our school,he taught us civic education,we thought he was too young to be teaching us then so most of us were rude to him,I was rude to him too,we were making noise and he told all of us to stand up and we stood up but he wanted to beat us and I was felt that's too ridiculous,I walked out of the class without thinking twice,that was my first and last time of been rude,it wasn't something I was fond of,I really don't like it but that particular day I indulged in that act,I regretted it, if I can reduce my age that would be another purpose,I wish to rewrite my wrong because I know I was wrong,I shouldn't have done that.

Another one is I should have been married by now😂,kinda funny right, I wish I can go back to when I just met that guy, around 19years of age,he was everything,he treated me right and he always said he wants to marry me,when I looked at him there was nothing wrong about him,his character is great, don't get me wrong,no one is perfect but this guy was perfect for me,even when I was wrong he will still be there for me,he has never scolded me to the extent of not talking to me each day,he was kind, loving,he was just the perfect guy,I don't tell him what to do,he always knew what to do,but one day I went to one church to pray,I followed my parents though so it was not for my personal life,I only followed my parent,so there was this prophetess that said I was in a relationship and that it was just a joke because the guy is not my husband and I should leave the guy, because I was naive then I Left him without thinking twice,after one month.

He begged,begged and begged but I told him what happened, about the prophecy and he said he won't believe it because it's not true,he kept begging and after a year we lost contact,I think because I was young then I was easily swayed,I regret leaving him now,I'm old enough and I wish I can go back to that time we just met and continue with,he is married now,I would have been the one he would have gotten married to because he really loved me then,I loved him too but I just let prophecy sway me from marrying him.

I saw his Facebook profile last year and I realized he just got married that last year,his marriage is already one year this April,I really wish I can reduce my age and go back to rectify what happened back then, anytime I remember I always regret it but what can I do, nothing actually.

Another one is spending quality time with my dad and stop being rude to him,if I could turn back the hands of time,I would go back to when he was alive,I will spend quality time with him,buy things for him, let him know I really do love him even if I don't show it more often,that is what I would have done,never knew he would die so early,may his soul rest in peace.

That will be all for today.✍️