Remaking the interpretation

Life struggles are always complicated and hard to describe in words. When it comes to the battle we all do to attain a specific prestige through our good work we feel overwhelmed to narrate it. So this time I am going to give an account of my struggle in which I overpowered the specific tag of being called chubby.
  • From unknown to visible figure ;

Being a single sister I faced an eating disorder in my teenage years. I was skinny in my childhood but before reaching the teenage years, sudden instabilities transpired into my body and It was a surprise for my family too. I never paid attention to any contentions regarding my chubby physique. Somehow it was painful but it was not in my hands, I couldn't change my lifestyle.

Some called me cute and I was comfortable until I realized it's the hormonal imbalance. Continuous testing took a lot of my time but my stress was alleviated because I didn't have diabetes but yes the thyroid test was troubleshooting. My mom invested time and money in diagnosis but now the cure didn't involve any therapeutic usage .Rather I was being conducted to implement changes in my lifestyle.

  • Resistance for good reason isn't lethal ;

That Shireen was very studious then and I did not have enough time which I could employ in self care. I cut off my social circle and dodged the relatives mostly, because I listened to the smart goal guides xd. Few asked my mom to cut off my screen time but she disavowed as I was not the screen-addicted person. Some asked to get rid of junk food but I was not into that matter. It was hard for me to talk about the physical health issues I was having, somehow I was encountering mental deterioration too.

  • Embracing the embarrassed me ;

I was fearful maybe because I felt cowardly at first. I couldn't reverse the mentality of people neither I had enough courage to change myself. So what I did to myself then?? Did I waited for miracles. Hahaha yes I did and this time the miracle was conditional on time. Through the mental trauma of 7 years finally time healed me. From school time, I jumped into collage, I remained hijabi but it was my personal preference but to some extent it gave me enough confidence to withstand that opposition. I kept on succeeding in my academic career, there is a secret behind all this adventure. No one took interest in me so I was in a safe zone throughout my university life. (Although curiosity played an important role in getting to know the girl behind the veil.;)

  • Ultimate me time ;

I was in 6th semester when the covid time period prevailed, online classes gave me an opportunity to pay heed toward self care. I experimented with home chores so managing life as a typical girl gave me some goosebumps as I felt modifications in myself. Moving to work outs after graduation I met another version of me. From 66 to I moved to 58 and amazingly I am standing on 56 right now hehe. Gym played a role but I would give all the credit to morning and night walks. Few peeps tagged the fully covered girl as bugler cat😂but didn't show them my identity of course even in the gym too (gained a lot of reputation in this phase) . Still I meet peeps who ask me about the magical serum and I keep on laughing. When it comes to the exact time, we all focus on ourselves. But few goals are more crucial sometimes. After demonstrating marvelous performance in my educational career I felt so relaxed. I gave enough attention to the home objectives and gained mastery in kitchen stuff. I realized healthy and timely eating served beneficial toward attaining smart gold.

  • Conclusive thoughts ;

Tolerating the mental stress due to your physique is troubleshooting but focus on goals which need your more attention. Evolving as a successful person is more important than meeting the standards of people.

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